apparently, I stink.

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Oct 23, 2006
So i am standing in line at the grocery store, and the woman in front of me turns around and says, "Is that a gun on your belt or are you just happy to see me?"

I answered with the standard, "What makes you say that?" and she replied, "you smell like Hoppe's number 9."

I winked and she left, so i guess she wasn't flirting. The point is the post is to point out that a recently cleaned gun is not very concealable.
The point is the post is to point out that a recently cleaned gun is not very concealable.
Only to people who know what Hoppe's is, and I doubt they are going to rat you out or be the trouble makers you need to look out for.
Just how many women do you think even know what Hoppe's smells like?

You should have gotten her phone number (or at least tried to set up a meeting).

You might want to have your testosterone levels checked.
"Is that a gun on your belt or are you just happy to see me?"

"My gun is happy to see you, and I don't mean the one that's covered in Hoppe's..."

...and yes, I am very surprised I don't get slapped more often :evil:
Just how many women do you think even know what Hoppe's smells like?
My wife says it smells like Banana farts.. and can tell when I open it up from anywhere in the house.

She cheats though, she's a ranchers daughter. Grew up around the stuff.
I just told my wife the story, and she said "she was definitely flirting." so just goes to show how little i know about women. good thing I already have a great one!
I was taking the Sheps
for their nightly walk last week. The still air a block up the street was fouled by someone smoking an el Goat Ropeo Grande cigar. Another block North, and I easily detected the sweet smell of Hoppe's No. 9. It was pungent enough that I could be certain of what garage it was coming from. And I normally can't smell my upper lip.

Many of us like to run in stealth mode where guns are concerned; for security reasons, if nothing else. In the future, I'm not going to break out the Hoppe's on a windless night.
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