Are these two the same gun?

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Jul 4, 2008
Are these two the same guns?

If so, that REALLY sucks, because one was my valentines present, and the next is right off here, for sale. I thought it was a sweet present at the time, but then, I also thought he was googling coffee shops to take ME out. God I was stupid once.
Both pictures are of small frame stainless steel Taurus revolvers. If not the same actual gun, they are the same make and aparently the same model.

I don't take pictures of my guns loaded, as shown here.
Y'all be careful, now, you hear?
no, thats the valentines gift he gave ME. If y'all wonder what makes just a few people in this world anti gun, this would be one of the more obscure reasons, however, probably the most profound one. Dont think I'll even date a gun guy again, total turn off, if ya know what I mean, to first get something you really aren't into, then to later see it for sale unbeknowest to you. grrr.... oh, and how can you tell it's loaded? well, they all were at our house, and we got to sleep with some too, yay.

sorry, i'm crabby, its raining, blah. i'm not gonna be anti gun, i have my dad and brothers who still know how to handle guns properly, and I might even go hunting with them sometime. they are cool guys.
No way it just couldn't be same make and model but different gun right?? You do know that these are mass produced right? I would ask before I flipped out.

Just my 2 cents
it's all kinda besides the point, he sold it later anyway, to pay for his own place after walking out on us. It was the suckiest valentines present ever really, shoulda divorced him then. Then two weeks after moving into the dang place, he shacked up with his girlfriend anyway, after a REAL hard "trial" separation. yeah.
go ahead, lock it, i got bitter again art. sorry. it's kinda my style now. more cool pics later guys...
Before the can tell it's loaded by the way the rim of the brass projects from the cylinder.
My ex fiancee dated a psycho "gun guy" before she met me, it kind of soured her to accepting my lifestyle after that. Nice Taurus revolver, I have 2 of them in blued finish like yours in .38spl, the model 85.
kathya , go ahead and vent , some of us old time married guys understand perfectly what your feeling . OK maybe we don't EXACTLY know what your feeling but we understand the need .
Eight years ago I bought my girlfriend a new Airweight 38 for her Christmas gift (our first Christmas together) ... she and I are still going strong and she has never considered the gift of a weapon to be anything other than what it was, a sign that I trusted her good sense and cared about her ability to protect herself ...


kathya, Don't write all of us off...There are still some of us out here that actually have a brain to think with. Look ahead to someone who will treat you right. MG
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