(article)Do you think guns will be outlawed soon?: The future of guns in America

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Jan 4, 2007
Olympia, WA
Recently I was asked an interesting short question to which I had to formulate a very long answer to. I thought I had come up with a fairly good answer and thought I would share it with you folks here on THR. Feel free to post your thoughts.

“Do you think that guns will be outlawed soon?”
I have to qualify the question in order to answer:
What are “guns”? Are guns ALL guns? Are guns only the misguidedly labeled "assault" guns, or any semi-auto guns, or all guns including hunting or 'sporting' guns?
What does “outlawed” mean? Does outlawed mean "reasonably regulated" to make it safe for the children, and so that “bad guys” can't have or make them? Or does it mean that although it is possible to get one, you would have to jump through more hoops than you do to buy a house, or does it mean outright illegal?
What does soon mean? In two weeks, in a year, in a decade?

That said, here are my answers:
Q: Do you think that all guns will be entirely illegal to own in America during your lifetime?
A: No. There will probably always be some way to own SOME TYPE of gun, although eventually it may become ridiculous to try to legally get one because of all of the obstacles and qualifications in the way of ownership, or the only guns left that are legal to own may be so antiquated or ineffective (think black powder or single-shot) that it would negate the advantage of having a firearm for personal defense to begin with. This is especially true when you consider the fact that the people you may need defend yourself against have no regard for the law (if they did then you wouldn’t need to defend yourself from them) and thus would have no problem illegally obtaining a firearm far more effective than the one you are legally allowed to possess.

Q: Do you think that most effective, modern firearms (semi-automatic firearms of modern manufacture) will be severely regulated or made entirely illegal to own under the pretense that they have no “lawful purpose” for existence and should not be owned by anyone during the Obama's time in office?
A: It is fact that this is a goal of Obama's administration. Obama has voted for banning ALL Semi-automatic firearms of any year of manufacture or type (pistol or rifle) in the past (www.ontheissues.org). Such a ban has already been written into a bill and has not progressed significantly enough to really pose a threat, but I do believe that if Obama had it in front of him, he would sign it. I do not think that there is any risk of it going that far until the end of Obama's final term in office. He knows he would lose the vote of too many people if he signed a bill like that, and he would never get a second term.

Q: Do you think that any guns (including manually operated ones, like pump-action shotguns, or bolt-action rifles) will remain as readily available as they are today to law-abiding citizens for many more years?
A: The goal of politicians is to look as pro-good and anti-bad as possible. While I don't believe they actually are out there to “GIT OUR GUNS”, or honestly fear an armed revolt from the American people (2nd Amendment did have this in mind), I do believe that they play heavily to common perceptions. Most people who don't know any more about guns than they have learned from television would agree that guns are bad because they kill people. So as a result, to make people like them most politicians have by default a mildly anti-gun stance, even though they couldn't honestly care less about the issue. This leads them to pass minor anti-gun laws and regulations that make the general public feel 'safer', even though the opposite is true.
Eventually, the end result is more and more guns become illegal or so regulated that it is realistically impossible to own them (like fully-automatic guns are today, or imported semi-automatic rifles without at least 9 US-made parts in them). They will pick a small battle that they word in a way that is impossible to argue with if you don't know what you're talking about (like Clinton's ban on "assault weapons" which is a ridiculous label, but sold to the people because no one wants weapons that are for assaulting people to be legal) and make it illegal for the "greater good".
I do think that just like Clinton took any regular semi-auto rifle with certain cosmetic features and labeled it an ASSAULT WEAPON OF DEATH and banned it, that you can take hunting rifles, which by design are much higher-powered and far more accurate (read: deadly) than an AK-47 styled rifle, and call the “SNIPER RIFLES THAT CAN KILL A MAN AT 1 MILE AWAY!” Or label a shotgun like many people have for home defense or deer hunting and call it “A STREET SWEEPER OF DEATH THAT CAN KILL 9 CHILDREN WITH ONE SHOT”, thereby justifying its “regulation”.
Just recently there was a bill called HR1022 that wanted to reinstate the Clinton ban and reinforce it with a long list of things that would be illegal, and it had substantial congressional backing in both the house and the senate. One of the things that were to be made illegal was a barrel shroud (a cover with holes in it over the barrel of a gun meant to shield your hand from the hot barrel of the gun; literally a safety feature). One of the congressional backers of the law went on a talk show and was asked "What is a “barrel shroud?" She dodged the question, and when asked again, she said "I believe it is a shoulder thing that goes 'up'." She of course was wrong, but it showed that these politicians have no idea what they're backing. They're just doing it because they think it makes them look “pro-safety”. This was a highly publicized blooper that seriously contributed to the bill being shot down. You can Google "shoulder thing goes up" and find the video of it easily.
If this goes on long enough unchecked by groups like the NRA, then yes, I do believe pretty much everything will have an excuse to become illegal because of fabricated problems that are made hot-button issues for political reasons.

The sensationalism isn’t only on the side of the left however. The right is guilty of it as well. The right-wing politicians will say things like, “Obama will take all of our guns!” This opinion, although generally wrong, is not evil or even really misguided. It is an over-simplification of the legal and political issues surrounding gun ownership in America. It's a repetition of the slogan formed from the dumbed-down explanation of what is happening. Another way to phrase it would be that it is the sale of right-wing fear to the people to gain support, just like the left-wing sells fear to the people saying that the streets will run red with blood if guns are allowed to exist. The left doesn't usually actively want to rid America of their guns (except for Hillary, but that’s another story; she’s insane), they just want to look good and play the pro-safety card. Right wingers (and libertarians btw) either see this trend, understand what it means in the long term, and exaggerate and simplify it by screaming ALL GUNS WILL BE ILLEGAL UNDER OBAMA!, or they hear what other republicans scream and just repeat it.

As you can see this is kind of a complicated issue, but once you get a little educated on how and why it works the way it does and filter out the sensationalism, why people do what they do actually kind of makes sense, even if it isn't right. So next time you see some anti-gun regulation or (safety measure), even if it seems entirely reasonable at first glance, do your research and really find out what the implications of the bill are, and think before you vote. If you don’t already, you might want to take up an arm one day for one reason or another and find yourself unable to do so, even in America.
I do not think that there is any risk of it going that far until the end of Obama's final term in office. He knows he would lose the vote of too many people if he signed a bill like that, and he would never get a second term.

My bet (depending on how mid-terms go) is that if he has his way, it would be ready to go in Nov./Dec. of 2012. Once the election has been done in early November, he has no reason to bow to the peasants. I think he'll want it ready just in case he does lose. So that he can have it signed before he (hopefully) leaves office Jan. 2013.

It's our job to make sure that in the mid-term elections, that we make a large gain. Not in Rep. or Dem., but pro- or anti- RKBA stance.

Being from GA, Zell Miller comes to mind. I'd love to have him (Dem.) in any office he wanted in DC. I'd be proud to call him Mr. President. But he's smart enough to know that he doesn't want it.

JWF III said:
It's our job to make sure that in the mid-term elections, that we make a large gain. Not in Rep. or Dem., but pro- or anti- RKBA stance.
Not to get too political but Ron Paul would fit this bill.

Oh shoot, now that I think of it maybe this does belong in politics...?

Edit: didn't there used to be a politcs sub-forum..?
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Everyone is worried about 1992 instead of actually looking at what's happening now. There's virtually zero chance of an AWB or anything like it getting revived at the federal level. The Dems are terrified that they're losing the big mo and support from independents, esp after the recent off-year election results.

I would be far more concerned about more subtle attacks through treaty obligations, regulation of primer manufacturers, import restrictions, etc. They can try to choke off the supply. We've seen it happening, in fact. Though at this point the demands of the WOT are (supposedly) to blame.
Interesting. You ask the questions, then you answer them.

“Obama will take all of our guns!” This opinion, although generally wrong,
He would if he could. No secret there.

The only thing stopping some politicians from disarming America, taking away their freedom, and putting its people under government rule is the feedom loving American. There are, and always have been, everywhere in the world, people who would rule others if they had their way. It is our duty as free Americans to fight any laws etc that would further that agenda here in America.

America is supposed to be ruled by the people, not the politicians. Period.
I didn't ask the question. Someone asked me the question. I had to ask them back what they meant by that question, so I answered the question with three different levels of depth, from straight-up and literal to more plausible and realistic.

You took my quote out of context I think. I do talk about my opinion that Obama really doesnt give a **** about whether we have guns or not, he just is 'hard' on them in policy to look good. So no, I don't think he would if he could if it didn't leave a voting record, and if he has to go through the legal system to literally TAKE OUR GUNS (i.e. come to my house put them in his truck and drive away) then he obviously cannot. Thus, the opinion that "Obama will take our guns" is sensasionalism and wrong.

A lot of the article is expressing my belief that these leaders don't have a hidden crazy agenda to turn us all into slaves, but at the same time that doesn't mean it won't happen. There's a whole section about politicians voting in certain ways to make themselves look pro-safety, which makes politician look like they're evil and trying to disarm Americans so they can take our freedom, even if the result is the same.

Your comments make me wonder if there is something I should have said more clearly. I thought I had all that in there.
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I doubt any existing firearms will be outlawed in the foreseeable future. What I predict is that new firearm technologies will be prohibited to commoners as they develop. The National Firearms Act of '34 is a good example of what to expect. Most of the regulations were aimed at the then new Thompson Submachine gun. Features like full auto fire, a removable butt stock and a barrel shorter than 16" were not common features of shoulder arms of the day so there was little public resistance to banning something that most Americans had never even seen one except in the movies.

Since then hand held full auto firearms have become standard issue for practically every military in the World. Shorter barrels are also becoming very common among military and police weapons, especially shotguns. Because these things were forbidden almost from their inception there has been very little resistance like there was when new high capacity magazines were prohibited after decades of legal availability. 50 years from now you may still be able to buy an authentic reproduction of an "antique" AR 15, but it will do you little good in resisting a tyrannical police state wearing full body armor and shooting at you with with plasma rifles in the 40 watt range.
50 years from now you may still be able to buy an authentic reproduction of an "antique" AR 15, but it will do you little good in resisting a tyrannical police state wearing full body armor and shooting at you with with plasma rifles in the 40 watt range.

Enough people with sharpened sticks can destroy ANY tyrant.

Not to mention, the day bullets lose effectiveness is that day humans are no longer the oppressor.
Yeah I'm not terribly impressed with the new technology. No matter how it's wrapped up it's still a little dinky smokeless cartridge.

Plasma rifles--we'll have to see ;-) The real test will be whether civilians are allowed access to the next TRUE innovation. None of us have seen this kind of change in our lifetimes. The last time it happened was when the French invented Poudre B, and that was very quickly adopted for civilian arms as well. Within a few years of the super-secret military smokeless rifles the .30-30 was on the streets.
Unlike my wife, I am still an optimist, but I also must admit I can't come to begin to understand where our administration admittedly and blatantly wants to take us, looking at the big pictures of economy, basic freedoms and gun ownership, among others.

Obviously gun control is a tough sell here right now, and I hope it continues to be so, but the large majority of the rest the planet have already surrendered their arms and are unlikely to be willing to pay the high price to get them back.

So far I'm stil convinced that we as Americans are willing to fight back and raise hell when freedoms are threatened. But just the same, what has already happended to things like being able to mention God in schools and Government buildings, freedom of the press and restricting FoxNews and other dissenting opinions, freedom of speech that now only applies in one direction unless you are a minority, and on and on and on.....

Piece by piece we let things slide to avoid coming across as confrontational or whatever you may call it, but eventually those pieces can become a chunk of what used to matter.

This time I hope we stand our ground and clean house, to return things to what the Founders had in mind, which worked pretty good for the first couple of hundred years, didn't it ? No matter which side we stand on, liberal or conservative (and I personally am ready to do away with those kinds of labels) don't we really agree on more things than disagree ? Don't we all want pretty much the same things ?

If our representatives are not representing us, whether it be local or state or wherever, it is time to tell them to step aside, or feel the wrath from the ballot box. And just maybe there is still some cream that might rise to the top. God I hope so........
Piece by piece we let things slide to avoid coming across as confrontational or whatever you may call it, but eventually those pieces can become a chunk of what used to matter.


Someone actually does GET it!

I've watched our RKBA rights slowly erode since 1968 because gun guys wanted to play nice, seem reasonable and not project an image of hard headed stubborness. Look where that's gotten us.

Hell - the whole GCA of '68 was just an overreaction to the assasinations of JFK, MLK and RFK. The act was built on emotion and no one had the cajones to stand up and say what you're doing isn't going to save one life, reduce crime on iota for fear of being called a heartless bastard.

And that attitude is still prevalent. Even here there are many, maybe even a majority who abhor the very idea of fighting fire with fire, of using the same tactics that the antis use.

And that's cost us. Will continue to cost us and will eventually end with our children or grandchildren or their children having no RKBA at all and if history is any lesson what type of legacy will that be? It'll be our fault - but don't worry - our ancestors won't curse our names for turning them into bleating sheep with no rights, under the thumb of an omnipresent and omnipotent government. They'll probably think us heroes because that's what the government controlled schools they'll attend will teach them.
Always the question.

May as well throw my internet opinion up here as well: I don't think that we'll see guns outlawed entirely in our lifetimes, and not because there aren't elected officials who are are willing to try.

The main obstacle is the millions of firearms now legally in US citizen's hands. If there is one thing that we learned between last Nov 4 and today, the 5th, a year later, it is that folks will vote with their pocketbooks, if all else fails.

I just came back from a mid-day (and mid-week) run to Cabela's and the place was packed to the gills at the gun counters. You would have thought the anniversary was official or something. So long as folks keep buying like that, I just don't see how a total ban is feasable. May as well pass a bill to dip the ocean out with a spoon.

On the other hand, rounding-the-corner-type attacts that throw obstacles in the way (carry restrictions, ammo taxes, LE only tagging of new technologies, to name a few that have come up here) can be expected.
To be honest, I do not necessarily expect any type of weapons ban (other than what is already in place). However, I can see weapons being legislated to the nth degree in various ways, such as: a) making certain weapons too much of a hassle/too expensive to own, b) making it much more difficult to actually use a weapon for anything other than hunting/recreational purposes or c) making certain weapons much more difficult to obtain.

They dont have to ban guns when all that is needed is to severely handicap those who either own them or hope to one day. Sad (and ridiculous), but true.
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A: It is fact that this is a goal of Obama's administration. Obama has voted for banning ALL Semi-automatic firearms of any year of manufacture or type (pistol or rifle) in the past

That is taken from a questionaire given to his staff in 1995. That's 14 years ago.

Whatever his stance is on guns, he hasn't done anything yet. Except in the minds of fear mongers and gun/ammo dealers.

He signed a bill for National Parks CCW.

He would have signed a bill that created a National CCW Recipricocity.

I wonder, where was all the hysteria from 01-08? You know, when Bush openly stated if Congress passed an Assault Weapons ban he'd sign it. Where was the frenzy then? I don't recall 50 rounds of white box .45acp being $67 in 2006.
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People forget about the excise tax of guns and ammo. I think it's 15%? Am I wrong? The guns business is big revenue for the Feds.
wonder, where was all the hysteria from 01-08? You know, when Bush openly stated if Congress passed an Assault Weapons ban he'd sign it. Where was the frenzy then? I don't recall 50 rounds of white box .45acp being $67 in 2006.

When was that?

...where was all the hysteria from 01-08? You know, when Bush openly stated if Congress passed an Assault Weapons ban he'd sign it. Where was the frenzy then?


That statement was made by Bush during the 2004 election when Bush was trolling for Independant's votes, and Congress was safely in Republican hands. Tell you what, TDK, you come to my office in the next 10 minutes, and I'll give you $1,000. See how it works?;)

They may try to institute the assault rifle and hi-cap magazine ban if this type of incident becomes more common. When less people had ccw permits, it was less of an issue, with more folks getting Hi-Cap weapons I could see the anti's going back to the same old arguments about civilians not needing that kind of firepower. Please don't start arguing about it, this is not my view, only what I see coming down the pipe if we lose support with our representatives
That statement was made by Bush during the 2004 election when Bush was trolling for Independant's votes, and Congress was safely in Republican hands. Tell you what, TDK, you come to my office in the next 10 minutes, and I'll give you $1,000. See how it works?

Regardless, it was no more of a trolling statement for Obama to say the same things about "keeping AK-47's off our streets"
I was not around in 2004 when Bush said that, but I bet it didn't matter: The ban had just been lifted that year, and people were already worried about it being possibly renewed and were already buying out stores and shelves or newly made and re-legalized evil weapons from what it looked like. It sloped off until it looked like it was a dead deal. but then Obama comes along, and you see what happened...
Under our consitution, the president cannot make legislation. He can only sign or veto bills that are sent to him by congress.Our congress-critters and political prostitues know what happened in 1996 and 1998. They have no sense of shame or honor. The only thing that scares a congressman is having his snout pulled out of the public trouft and being forced to live live a commoner. Congress, not the oval office, is where we need to keep our focus.
Mods: If this is too political or off topic please delete. Thank you.
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