AZ TO GA What do I have to give up?

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Dec 20, 2010
Tucson, AZ
I'm thinking about moving to Georgia and I'm not sure if all my weapons/magazines/ ammo is going to be legal there. Obviously I wont advertise what I have but just in case....

I tried reading the laws and it drove me nuts. Can anyone break it down in Layman's terms? I'm mostly concerned about my green tip 5.56, 30 rnd magazines, flash supressor/muzzle breaks (not silencers)and 15-18 round pistol magazines. Also will I be required to register my guns.

Also anything I might want to stock up on before I go?

I'm still just considering this move but depending on what I hear back..
You have to give up exactly zero of those things....Where are you getting the idea that any of these things are restricted in Georgia? The main difference in coming from AZ is that carrying is more regulated. (You actually need a permit). No registration, no magazine size limits, no AWB.
I moved here from upstate NY and it was like night and day. I have a AZ CCW permit that will cover me until I get the Georgia CCW (As long as I keep my AZ licence) but I just wanted to check about the other stuff.
you will give up...100 degree days and 30 degree nights, we have both just not on the same calender day. Arizona allows you to see 70 miles easy here 70 yds is a long shot unless you can get in good with a farmer. OH, you will loose the left coast wacko's, not that we-uns aint gottem, just not left flavored.
Come on down, have some Iced Tea, by the time the dust settles you'll feel like we're family.
San Mateo transplant
100 degree days and 30 degree nights?
Last I checked it was 100 degrees at midnight the other day. Its not really like that out here in the summer, its flippin hot all the time! Dry heat/humid heat. Give me a place that has shade trees and I'd take that back any day. Im jealous, I wish I could get out of this hole. I really hate living in Phoenix. You should like the south. I've met a lot of good people everytime I head that way. Im a midwest boy, just cant fit in out here in Phoenix. Great gun laws, just is not any kind of living for me, give me back my whitetails!
Im out here in GA....And to as far as my knowledge goes....There is no permit to buy or need to register your guns. There is no ban on certain cap magazines. None that I know of anyways....I was at an FFL the other day and they sell plenty of guns with more than a 10 round cap...
Right on! Thanks for all the input everyone. What about those evil green tipped rounds:rolleyes:? I know they are a no go some places. Also any shortages on hand gun calibers or reloading supplies. .380 are scarce here unless you dont mind paying 18.00 for 50....:scrutiny: I can mail order for the most part , but some times you just can't wait. .....

more specifically the Macon area
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Been to ATL lately...
Naw we try to avoid Atlanta, it's Southern only in its history.
I would be remiss to fail to mention humidity, to acclimate yourself, step into
a sauna and run in place for a coupla hrs at a time. I've been here since BEFORE
Reagan was Governor, still waiting to get acclimated...maybe this year?
Spent near three yrs in Macon, very insular people there; good luck.
Insular? lol you made me get out my dictionary! Thats disappointing I had kinda liked the notion of southern hospitality. There are plenty of plastic people in AZ and even more back in NY where I came from.

I only plan on staying in Macon with my brother for a little while and hope to eventually find a small place out in the country to rent.
Green tip are just regular ball rounds. It's the black tip rounds that are illegal in many places as they are armor piercing.
Yeah I know. For some reason NY still dosen't like the steel core 5.56 and I wasn't sure where Georgia stood. I got a bunch cheap a while ago and still have a few left didn't want to get in trouble at the range. The ATF has removed them from the armor piercing category but some states,.... well you know. The black tipped Tungsten core would be nice but like you said.. :( besides they are a little over kill for punching paper and they would probably wear out a steel target quick ;)
GA is no problem. I used to live in Phoenix. More gun nuts out there. Here its hunting but there are a few gun nuts. Out in the country you will see a gun by the front door and one at the back. Might have to shoot some varmint. Check out the GON forum.
If you are considering moving to Georgia you might also check out & if you do move here I would encourage you to join GeorgiaCarry.Org. As far as being insular goes. In just about any small town it can take a long time to get to know folks. These days people just don't get out & meet their neighbors like people did when I was a kid. Most people would rather stay in the air conditioning and watch TV or mess around on the computer.
Didn't read the whole thread, where are you moving? Im in Augusta. A great resource is we have some very good laws here in ga, thanks in a large part to

Open carry is legal, many Leo 's are very pro carry, although it does depend on the area. Check the forum at
Open carry is legal

if you have a permit.

To the OP: do you consider yourself from Arizona or New York? If from New York, please don't come here and blow your car horn. We use it for emergencies only, not because someone pauses too long when the red light turns green. Its my pet peeve about Yankees.
You dont need a permit to oc on your property or your place of business. Or anyplace that you paid a accommodation tax, IE your hotel room.
We moved down here from Maryland, in 2005. We've found the people to be much more friendly than those from up around D.C.

I'm a Collector, and a C&R holder, and Georgia is open to any gun that you can legally possess under federal law.

No registration, no waiting periods, and CCW is shall issue.

One word of caution. Georgia, with or without CCW, bans "offensive knife carry". Exactly what an "offensive knife" would be isn't spelled out.
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