Ban guns, now banning gas masks

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
I soooo wish this was a joke, but legislation is on the Taiwanese board to ban public ownership of gas masks.. (Skunk, take note)


Because of poor gun availability, the newest method of robbing a bank here in Taiwan, is..

A guy runs in with what looks like a road flare, while wearing a gas mask. He says "This is poisoness, so give me your money or I'll release it.."

They just found out, the guy has been buying the gas masks... from some crooked cop.. :rolleyes:

Soooooooo... we must ban the evil gas masks now.. The logic so defies me...
They had better ban the masks criminals use to hide their faces, too! OH OH, the shoes they use, too!
They could make their own masks, though...

Better ban all material/fabric, just to be safe.
Well, if they only made bank robberies illegal, none of this would have.. oh wait, they are criminals, they don't obey the law.. :uhoh:

For those of you in the PRK, this is the prelude of things to come...
I soooo wish this was a joke, but legislation is on the Taiwanese board to ban public ownership of gas masks.. (Skunk, take note)

In a lot of places in the states its legal to own the masks. But, a felony to actually put one on in "a state of emergency", like when people are shooting GAS in the streets...
In a lot of places in the states its legal to own the masks. But, a felony to actually put one on in "a state of emergency", like when people are shooting GAS in the streets...

Tell me this is a joke... PLEASE.....
Tell me this is a joke... PLEASE.....

well maybe its a misdemenour in some places, but i remember it was discussed at leangth during WTO. The police wouldnt want people to be able to shrug off the gas now would they?
I could see some logic in that. Kinda like being a felony to wear body armor while robbing a bank. BUT, there really should be a distinction between the people using it for protection after they have locked themselves in their house, and the people using it to aid in rioting.
When gas masks are outlawed, only outlaws will have gas masks.:rolleyes: :uhoh: ;)

Here's a secret, vapor canister respirators with the proper cartridges are every bit as effective as gas masks, and they can hardly ban those as they are needed for working hazardous materials in the workplace.
They do make them full face too.
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The final logic would be to ban the whole "citizenry". What's left are criminals and politicos, the difference totally indiscernible.

EVERY government has the tendency to enslave their "people".
And it's such a joke to all of us, but what's so sad is, it's not a joke.

Look for Di-Fi's Senate Bill #12143 where she tries to ban gas masks..

It's so depressing when socialism takes over; and government tries to "save you from you". :barf:
Mike Hull:
When gas masks are banned, only criminals will have gas masks.

The solution is to remove the incentive for crime. We achieve this by making everybody so filthy stinking rich that they'll never even have to go to the bank. How do we achieve this level of wealth? By eliminating it of course. :confused: In the pure socialist world, everyman will work towards improving mankind in general, taking only that which he needs and leaving the rest for others.

Nahhh, it'll never work. Better to deep six the criminals.
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