though not in the same "class" as a Colt, and i agree.......
but the parts are interchangable with Colt so it is a true 1911, it is relaible out of the box with no kitchen table gunsmithing needed, it is at least half the price of the Colt.....
i guess it comes down to do you want a show off piece of a shootin' iron?
Colts are great for showing your friends, they are attractive, precision made, American made, have a rich history.......and occasionally shot reliably out of the box......
the RIA is a plain jane 1911, nothing fancy, nothing to brag about.....but you migh find as i have while at a range, some guys tinkering with thier Colt 1911 while you keep shooting your RIA 1911, they occasionally looked up to see why i stopped shooting also, but went back to their tinkering when they saw i was relaoding magazines....LOL....
of course thier Colt could shoot 1.25" groups at 25 yards every 3-5 rounds before jamming while my RIA could only shoot 2.5" groups every 8 rounds before reloading....
ive owned a Colt 1911..... it was a good gun out of the box with some ammo i used.....while my RIA has never jammed with any ammo ive used.....
i would own a Colt again for the sake of ownership and to have a piece of nastalgia....not piece of mind.....