One of the best known trainers, Karl Rehn, has an article on big guns vs. small guns. He has been testing them in classes with shooters of various abilities for years. This is a summary piece:
Some conclusions: For skilled shooters the difference on big vs. small semis isn't that great but it is for less skilled. On revolvers vs. small semis:

An Official Journal Of The NRA | Big Pistols vs. Small Pistols
A small pistol is easier to carry, but it's also harder to shoot well than a big pistol.
Some conclusions: For skilled shooters the difference on big vs. small semis isn't that great but it is for less skilled. On revolvers vs. small semis:
Karl knows guns and training, so this is the real deal. Sadly, he's found that most concealed types never train beyond some trivial state requirement.What About Small Revolvers?
Snub-nosed revolvers are easy to carry but harder to shoot for those used to shorter, lighter semi-automatic triggers. Those that chose a smaller gun that was the subcompact version of their bigger gun, or very similar to it, shot their smaller guns better. Only 32 percent of the snub shooters shot scores over 80 with both guns, compared to 64 percent of the subcompact shooters achieving the same feat.