Bill Clinton to Democrats: Don't Trivialize Gun Culture

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Gun issues are just one thing that make me long for the good old Clinton days compared to now.

What!? Back when he actually PASSED an AWB? When he passed the mag ban? When we faced a million mom march? Those were the BAD old days.
My thinking as well. I wasn't real clear on what the poster who mentioned "LGBT" Democrats as the driving force behind gun control was talking about.
I think he was saying how much change has been made in congress by a small number of LGBT's over gay rights issues.

And that Democrat gun owners make up a larger group than the LGBT's. Ergo, a larger number of left leaning gun owners can make an ever bigger change.

At least that's how I interpreted it.
''Could gun control be the downfall of the Obama admin?...''

it would have, if he'd tried it before the election.
He knew better. He kept his mouth shut all through the campaign so that he wouldn't jeopardize or potentially lose the election in swing states.

He didn't touch the issue because he knew better. Now it doesn't matter. The people of the USA put him into power.

We've just started Obama's second term and now gun owners had better unite if they want to keep their right to bear arms. Time to hang together or hang seperately guys.
“All these polls that you see saying the public is for us on all these issues — they are meaningless if they’re not voting issues,” Clinton said.

Clinton recognizes that opinions and votes are very different things. Much public sentiment about gun control is nothing more than casual opinion that will in no way relate to how a person votes in the next election. But any new gun control legislation would be THE deciding factor in how a large percentage of gun owners vote in the next election.
Exactly. I generally support protection of the environment, equality for homosexuals, legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana, and women's rights to their own bodies. I will support those things if I can.

But I will toss that all aside if guns are an issue in an election. The Second Amendment gives the rest of the Bill of Rights its teeth. Guns are the issue that drives me to write letters and contribute money. Start talking about limiting the right of the People to own weapons and I become a one-issue voter.
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Bill Clinton is an astute politician.


The Clintons are survivors. They adapt like coyotes. They have their ideals, but they know that ideals are useless if you get booted out of office.


That is all you need to know.
LGBTs as in "Lesbians, Gay, Bisexuals, and Transgenders"?

Is the argument here that gun control is basically a homosexual plot?

No, he was saying that there are less LGBT Americans than American firearms owners, and over the course of the last decade they have influenced a sea change on their own social role and how they're seen in American society.

Basically that a numerically small group have made a (relatively) large societal impact.
Now we're starting to venture into the twilight zone between acceptable discussion and not acceptable. But I will add my two cents:

While I do not think Clinton recognized why we are fighting, he does state the type of fight we will put up and is warning his party that if they get embattled in this argument, they could loose the chance to change a lot of other things they would like to, and basically go nowhere. What I hear him telling his party is that going after guns will ultimately cost them the ability to continue to pass socialistic bills and ram over budget spending down taxpayer's throats.
I personally don't think gun control legislation will be the "downfall" of the Obama Administration. The President is just being the same person he has always been. What do you expect? The national press will be nearly 100% behind him.
Obama was too smart to delve into this before the election. He was totally consumed by ensuring his re-election.

But now we are getting into new territory. He will focus on his "legacy" which i believe means we will see his worldview shape more of his decisions....

That is one thing that really does scare me. He has a vastly different understanding of America than the ideals we were founded on.

And he thinks we are the nuts by the way.
Radiotom - This is a gun forum. I only brought the other issues up to illustrate how my feelings on the RKBA take precedence. Let's stick to guns. I promise to argue with you about other stuff over a beer some other time and place, but not here.

And do you want the support of liberal leaning people like me on RKBA or not? Seems to me that we ain't got the luxury of being overly choosy these days .

If it makes you feel any better, I feel just as strange siding with the far right on this as they do with me.

But we can sort that out among ourselves AFTER we have secured the Second Amendment from this latest threat.
And who did you vote for in 2012?
Democrats don't trivialize the gun culture--they demonize the gun culture, e.g. the bitter clingers remark.
This attitude doesn't help at all. There are many pro gun Democrats, why must we always tar every group with the same brush? They are hearing "gun control" from a large part of their base and are responding. Rather that call them the devil we should be encouraging them to vote their true inclinations. Like it or not we need Democratic votes in Congress and should support anyone leaning our way even a little.
Clinton was never and still isn't a friend to the 2nd Amendment. The article simply points out that he isn't stupid.

The really scary part of that article are in the comments section.
Clinton is a globalist. (Former student of Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University who he specifically mentioned in important speech.) Part of that globalist agenda is destroying the US Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment. Hillary Clinton is involved in UN treaty negotiations that also have this same globalist objective.

They will try to use EOs to agencies and administrative law to push their anti 2A agenda forward. Bottomline, they want you all disarmed.

If any of this seems 'farfetched' - - - do the research.

"Condemnation without Investigation is the height of Ignorance." - Albert Einstein
The anti's are in this for the long haul. Clinton recognizes this. They will use every opportunity until they get what they want, and we all know what that is. We must continue to politely but firmly let all of our elected representatives know that we are watching them, and if they vote against the 2ed, we will vote to remove them from the gravy train.
To summarize, Willy could have sobbingly and succinctly said "Leave America's gun-owners alone".
I have heard Mr.Clinton speak on this. He openly admitted this drove a wedge in Democrats and the support of their representatives. He knew it cost him a lot of support and admittedly did nothing like they hoped it would.
goon, you sound like a good Libertarian. I agree with you on what you posted above. I voted for Romney even though I am a Libertarian because of threats to gun rights.
I watched a recent video of Bill Clinton last night. He was saying that "they don't need 30 round clips." He is not on our side.
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