Bill O' Reilly's Gun Background

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He also has a very strict personal/moral code...doesn't drink alcohol in any form and didn't participate in the extracurricular activities that were available to him as a football player on a college campus.

Sure he has a high moral standard, that is why he was sued for having phone sex with a female producer and had inappropriate sexual contact with other female employees. Bill is all about Bill. He has created quite an illusion of a perfect moral man, but behind that facade is a very flawed and troubled person.
I saw him in a restraunt (the ground round) here on LI about a month ago. He was with a young girl (maybe 10 years old... daughter? granddaughter?).
No body guard and wasn't hiding in a corner booth or anything, sitting in the middle of the well lit dining area. I watched several people approach him and say hello. He didn't seem to mind the attention and conversed with several of his fans.
seemed like a real enough guy, no celebrity BS or stuck up actions....

I think everyone in the media will say what the owners want only to sell papers or improve viewer ratings regardless of their personal views...
Kinda like most folks in NYC don't own cars...too much hassle, other forms of transport make more sense in an urban megalopolis.
Not only don't they own cars ... many don't even know how to drive. My father's late brother sure didn't; he lived in NYC his entire life.

Anyone else see the article within the past week (or so) about a couple who retired from NYC and were moving out west somewhere? (Santa Fe, Phoenix, some place like that). They had pets so they didn't want to fly. They hired a taxi driver for a flat fee of $3500 plus gas and expenses to drive them out there.

These were senior citizens. At the end of the article it was stated that neither of them knows how to drive. That's actually very difficult for those of us in the rest of the Yoo Ess of Aye to comprehend, but many Manhattan dwellers simply never learned to drive because there is no need to do so there.
I don't get it...

wooderson wrote:

He also has a very strict personal/moral code...

One word. One word only.


American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source fa·la·fel or fe·la·fel (fə-lä'fəl) Pronunciation Key
Ground spiced chickpeas shaped into balls and fried.
A sandwich filled with such a mixture.

[Arabic falāfil, pl. of filfil, pepper, probably from Sanskrit pippalī; see pepper.]

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Could you please elaborate on what you meant? I'm confused. :confused:
I'm going to PM Mas and see if he will invite Bill O'Rielly to attend a Lethal Force class. Let him see first hand and perhaps do a positive report on the class.
"Do you recall the celebrity/actor who had "viable" threats on his life, and the FBI issued a nation-wide CCW permit to that individual? That celebrity had been, in a way, an FBI "informant", but NEVER informed on any individuals....just their activities. Well, that celebrity was none other than the Screen Actors Guild President, Ronald Wilson Reagan! Reagan had passed on information about the COMMUNIST activities going on in the movie industry. Much of the information that Reagan passed on was found to be correct....and his fellow actors that were COMMIES started trying to find out who was "snitching" on them. Reagan was given a permit and carried a snub-nosed .32 revolver as a private citizen!"

i have issues with him snitching on folks he claimed to represent. as well as snitching on guys he competed with for work
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