Boxes Of Ammo For Revolvers


Contributing Member
Jan 21, 2020
Wisconsin Again
One thing that I find annoying about boxes of ammo, is the number of rounds. Especially for revolver shooters.

Boxes are 20, 25, 50, and 100.
They are all multiples of 5. That's OK if you only have 5 shooters. But with 6 shooters you are going to be short or have extras.
I have a 7 shooter, with a boxes of 50 you have 1 left in a box.
8 shooters provide a different problem.

So I think all boxes of ammo should come with 1680 rounds. The math works😁🤣😅🤔.
It will also be more fun at the range.

Now, if this is the biggest problem that you have today? You're going to have a good day!

Be safe, and I hope to see you on the range. 👍
Save an empty box and fill it with the leftovers, but no need to put it in the fridge.
Shoot the odd leftover and obsess over one mag getting more wear than the others.
Dump all the ammo boxes into one sack and when you run it down to odd rounds you only have to deal with it once.
I have more boxes and blocks for reloading that accumulated over the years. They usually hold 50 or 100, probably because primers, bullets, new brass etc usually come in boxes etc of 100 count. Years ago a friend would put his loaded ammo in ziplock bags made for storage. He didn't count the number of rounds in a bag. Just filled 2/3 or so full and grabbed another bag. Shotgun shells he boxed in 25 round boxes. His logic was simple, a bag would fit in pocket or shooting/hunting jacket better. He shot clays and a run was 25, his vest usually had a few loose rounds. I tried it and decades later still use bags for cartridges. He would say it is not the number of rounds I carry, it is always have more than I want to shoot. Totally agree with him.
It's the hotdog and bun problem.

If you like ammo numbers that work out neatly, go Swiss. The 1889 Schmidt-Rubin held 12 rounds, and ever since (until the 5.56 era) the Swiss stuck to multiples of 6. Their 1911 and 1931 rifles used magazines holding 6 rounds, and the Sturmgewehr 57 took a 24-round mag. Their six-shot chargers worked with all of them (I think -- I've not handled an Stg57.)

For my 9mm and 45acp I put 200 rounds of 9mm and 100 rounds of 45 in heavy duty plastic ziplock bags. I shoot a lot of this ammo in USPSA. For other ammo that I don't shoot as much I use the plastic boxes. 45 Colt, 44 Special or Magnum, 44-40, 45-70.
Back when I shot a great deal, I would just dump big handfuls of handgun ammunition into G.I. ammo cans and take them to the range. I still have a vivid recollection of once ending up with exactly six rounds of .38 remaining in the bottom of the can...
Years ago I would toss those odd spare rounds into a plastic container and once every few months I would go through the box and sort the various cartridges to see what was there and if I had a good deal of one cartridge or another I would take them and the associated firearm to the range and shoot it up for fun. Often I would reach in and grab random cartridges of .38 and .357 and load it into my .357 Magnum revolvers and blast away at targets. It’s kinda fun when in 6 or 8 rounds you get a couple of .38s with hot 158 grain .357 rounds and others mixed as you try to hit the X with every pull of the trigger rapid fire. :cool:
One thing that I find annoying about boxes of ammo, is the number of rounds. Especially for revolver shooters.

Boxes are 20, 25, 50, and 100.
They are all multiples of 5. That's OK if you only have 5 shooters. But with 6 shooters you are going to be short or have extras.
I have a 7 shooter, with a boxes of 50 you have 1 left in a box.
8 shooters provide a different problem.

So I think all boxes of ammo should come with 1680 rounds. The math works😁🤣😅🤔.
It will also be more fun at the range.

Now, if this is the biggest problem that you have today? You're going to have a good day!

Be safe, and I hope to see you on the range. 👍
Your wrong , very wrong.
Pretend your a cowboy and just load 5.
Then go in and make cowboy beans for lunch.
Okay, get over it. Rifle ammo is usually sold in boxes of 20, although I have bought it in boxes of 50.

Handgun ammo is usually boxes of 50. Designer ammo (I have no use for at $2 a round) is boxes of 20.

It is what it is.

Did you buy 7 or 11 eggs recently.