Brady Campaign attacking Starbucks

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Oct 5, 2006
Northern California

For those not in the know on goings-ons in California, the Open Carry community has been getting more active. Groups have been meeting in various public establishments. As a result of a Brady Campaign bullying, the Peet's coffee chain publicly announced that it does not allow firearms in it's establishments. However, when the Brady campaign contacted Starbucks, they replied that they respect whatever the laws were in the given state. As a result of this, the Brady Campaign is stepping up it's pressure against Starbucks nationwide.

We all need to let Starbucks know that we appreciate that they respect our rights and our state laws, and to not let the Brady bullies pressure them into changing their position.
I sent their customer service email a comment, thanking them for allowing open carry in their locations. Thanks for letting the THR community know about this.
The entire website is flawed, Why should we have guns in coffee shops or restruants? Because criminals have them, in coffee shops and restruants, if the criminals can have them then honest citizens should be able to have them. Just my $0.02
Most people wouldn't give a crap.

Of those who do, there are many more people on the pro-gun side who would give a crap, than on the anti-gun side. Starbuck's would be wise to compare the membership count of the NRA with that of the Brady Campaign.
I sent SBUX an email, thanks for posting this.

I still have a hard time believing the Brady Campaign can actually live with themselves. It should be illegal to attempt to brainwash people. Puke.
I never go in Starbuck's but they ain't gotta know that. I sent them a letter anyway thanking them and letting them know they have my support.
Please note the tactics used by the Brady Campaign. They state certain of their opinions as fact and do not offer any evidence to support these opinions. For example:

The open carrying of firearms in public places is inherently threatening and intimidating, and poses risks to those nearby, to law enforcement and to the community.

Says who!? I am not intimidated. I don't feel threatened. You? How did they arrived at this conclusion? Tarot cards?

What risks? I see no risks except to maybe criminals. Again they have no reason to say that the lawful carrying of handguns in public establishments like Starbuck constitute any risks to the law abiding.

I should also state that I believe that Sara Brady and her colleagues at the VPC do not believe that private citizens have the right of armed self defense.

Everyone should have the right to sit in a coffee shop or a restaurant with their families, including their children, without being confronted with the threatening presence of openly-displayed handguns and assault weapons.

Again they make allegations without providing any supporting facts to support them.
I just went to that site, and I swear I lost at least 20 IQ points. :banghead:

I can rarely visit Starbucks, since they don't have parking lots big enough for a semi...but I'll be buying their prepackaged coffee at the grocery store from now on. :cool:
Be sure that when you're thanking Starbucks you're thanking them for not bowing to bullying by special interest groups and respecting the individual state laws. Reinforce what they've said they're doing. If you want, point out that none of your money will go to their competitors who bow to such threats.
i never drank their coffee, because i think it's stupid to pay that much for a cup of coffee i can make better at home.

however, i don't think it'll kill me to drink a cup of their craptastic stuff every once in awhile, to show my support.
I'm gonna stop making fun of Starbucks now. I'll be there in the morning.
I never go in Starbuck's

I never did either. I don't need $4.00 per cup coffee. But... I will be going to SBucks two times a week as long as this is their position on my 2nd ammendment rights. It takes courage to stand up to bullies especially in this economy when their business is off from previous levells. I will support their business. I will also insist on speaking to the store manager at each location to let them know that I appreciate this.

I'll be buying their prepackaged coffee at the grocery store from now on

Me too. I just hope they have something that resembles plain ole coffee.

MudCamper, thanks for posting this.
I just sent them a Thank You and Keep Up the Strong Stand email. I'll be buying their products to support them with my $$. I also mentioned to them that all major shooting incidents in recent history have taken place in "Gun Free Zones".
Done and done...I think I'm going to grab a delicious hot chocolate there tomorrow morning!
i never drank their coffee, because i think it's stupid to pay that much for a cup of coffee i can make better at home.
Isn't it crazy that they charge like $1.50 for a cup of coffee? Much better to get gas station coffee for like, 40 cents less :evil:
I have yet to hear about anyone in WA having trouble from the employees for OC. The other customers on the other hand...
Done, I don't drink there that often, but will take more opportunities to do so thanks to their current stated position.

I lived in Ft. Wayne, IN, while Paul Helmke was mayor of the city (mid 90's). Suffice it to say that he has not grown any more reasonable with age.

I have also commented positively about their current stance (thanking them for allowing people to protect their families) and will pay them a visit the next time I pass by a store (nearest one is 15 miles away).
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