Breaking news

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1.THR does not deal in senseless tragedy.

2. You're probably the third or fourth person to post about this.

3. Why bother posting this without a link, even if it was on-topic?
I posted because this means the antis will be on it in a heartbeat. This was to give you a heads up.

I was going to add the story but if no one wants it, so be it.
It's not that we don't want it, it's that it's not on-topic here.

THR is a place for responsible gun owners to teach and learn. These sorts of events have nothing to do with responsibility. There's nothing to be said about them, other than it's a tragedy that should never have happened.

And the anti's, well, good luck to them. Public sentiment is against them, and has been for awhile. If they really want to push some new gun law because of this, let them try. We'll deal with that when it happens.
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