Brought home another Sig

Congrats the P229 is a great pistol. Never seen a take down lever like the one on yours though??
357 sig is one I've not messed with yet. Looks like a handful. A nice looking handful
I just snagged an unissued 2015, no-rail P226 in 40 S&W from Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore, on a one day sale. Examination of the breech face, barrel hood, chamber rails and locking block convince me it is unfired except for factory testing. There isn't a blemish anywhere on it and the factory hang tag was still on the trigger guard. The two spare mags remain sealed in factory wrap and it appears none of them-including the one on the gun--were ever loaded. The OEM night sights are good.


I took it out in the sleet storm and ran three mags through it.
very nice, my first semi auto handgun was a p229 certified used. The LGS that ordered it in was very surprised at the condition, almost like new.
I was back and forth at the time about getting a p239 instead but ended up getting the P229, I finally ended up with a 239 this year.
I picked up this p229 in .357 sig from the LGS that I frequent a few years ago.
They called me the next day to ask if I wanted a .40 barrel for it as well. When I asked them how much for the barrel they said $50 and I told them I'd be by to pick it up that afternoon.

I also now have the Bar-Sto 9mm conversion barrel and I stumbled across a .22 conversion kit at a show a couple of years ago.
Technically it's the "wrong" conversion kit as there's two different ones as the kit's for the railed and un-railed 229s are different and I ended up with a railed version.
I didn't know there were different ones at the time I purchased it, and for the $130 the vendor wanted for the kit, I probably would have bought it anyway. It does work, just looks a bit goofy.

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