California gun haters are going to have a field day

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"beginning in 2019, state ammunition dealers will be required to maintain logs of all sales – including those of bullets"

We here in NY are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Dems now control everything and another 4 years of the organized crime king. He's already said in the first 100 days of the new year more gun control is in the top 3 initiatives. I don't see a turn around ever. The younger generation isn't exposed to legit gun use as much as they were a generation ago. All they see are the mass shootings and constant anti gun hype. But they LOVE the violent shooter games. The older pro gun are dying off or moving out of state. Should be a Unhappy New Year with that sob. Sorry. Thats my abbreviation for crying.
Every man-made cancer created in California seems to spread to other states.
Being created in California in no way, shape or form, must automatically mean that such an idea or concept is good.

Walking in downtown Denver during a few trips about four years ago, I noticed the same smug, conceited superiority of people as one sees throughout northern CA.
Take notice that that are laying down a tax on handguns also. That was the anti's main agenda before taking "aim" at so called "assault weapons", to ban handguns. So when you are someone who doesn't care about "assault weapons" because you think your Beretta 92 handgun is safe, or you don't care about the Beretta or Glock because you think your six shooter is safe, or you think they will never go after your .22 well they will get to you sooner or later.
From one who lived there for several years and still has family in Southern California -
I cannot imagine a more extreme case of a place of incredible natural beauty being absolutely ruined and bankrupted.

A tragedy of immense scale.
I would rather see a surge of interest in fighting this BS by any means necessary as opposed to everyone saying "I got mine, forget everyone else"
I would rather see a surge of interest in fighting this BS by any means necessary as opposed to everyone saying "I got mine, forget everyone else"

Sadly I think the " I've got mine" part is all thats going to matter soon enough, no matter what state you're in.

If/when that happens the sheeple will be getting a strong dose of reality.
There is no rule that says there must be 50 states. Personally, I am more than willing to carve a few stars off the flag to preserve freedom and union for the rest of us.

They can have their socialism and their per-capita portion of the debt they helped run up.

Just means the ones who are left in the free states will need to pay for a longer wall...
Won’t they be shocked if/ when CCW becomes reciprocal. I can see there heads exploding.
For those of us that continue the fight to bring back some of CA, it is tiresome. The masses that vote here are swayed by the news media spouting the agenda. The promises of a wonderful utopia style of living without crime, poverty, clean environment all helped by ripping more $ in taxes. And once again a scam. CA is like a sketchy Craigslist ad. We could use an influx of intelligence but it is growing dim because it has been a head banging pursuit thus far. A business buddy moved his operations to Idaho last month. One of my suppliers went to Utah citing among other reasons that employees could afford to buy a home in Utah. They pay well too.

In the end the voters elected into office or law. That level of brain power is SMH and most don't learn. These are not the types to let out of the state to vote similar in other areas. Depressing...
The article inaccurately conflates the word "bullet" with "ammunition." Sales of bullets are not restricted and there are no plans to restrict their sale. It is loaded ammunition that has been or will be restricted.

If the supermajority is the liberal free-for-all such conjecture suggests, it will have one fatal flaw: an inability to control spending. The article suggests the incoming governor will bear more of the blame in the people's perception for mismanaging an unrestrained government, but it doesn't seem likely the taxpayers are going to be content with that. With the recent Fed rate hike and additional forecasted hikes, the market is already responding to the end of "free money." The days of fiscally liberal California politicians are numbered, and as the article states, the current governor perceives the incoming supermajority is already comprised of more conservative members. That doesn't mean that what is "vice" in the eyes of liberals, including cigarettes, vaping, gasoline and guns among other things won't be targeted for increased tax revenue, but the same people that want to tax guns, also want to raise taxes on things more Californians spend on. There has to be a limited tolerance for "tax and spend" even among those opposed to gun rights.

I see the incoming democratic supermajority in California, and the unprecedented all-blue Nevada legislature and governor's mansion as their own worst enemy. What would be more concerning for gun-rights would be politicians that want lower taxes and less guns.
To me, the most truly pathetic thing is that Californians readily voted in the super-majority that renders their state the king of the nanny states, but must live with a government that cannot keep them safe from their state's rampant crime, fix the most egregious traffic problems in the country, lower the nation's highest home-owning and rental costs nor will ever consider lowering the heinous rate of taxation upon its citizens.

The article calls them "liberals." They are not. They are socialists and communists, and not even forward-thinking specimens of those groups at that ...

I lived in the Bay Area for a few years, and Southern California for many years. I still own property in SoCal (though not for much longer). I miss the state in which I thought I'd live out my retirement years.
Since the dems won a "super majority" in the CA legislature it appears they are going all out to cripple the gun market and gun owners. Bad times ahead for those who live there.

It will be interesting to see if they stop when they reach gun ownership laws similar to those found in many EU countries or move for complete gun ban and confiscation as some here suggest. It should be good indication of what they plan for the other 49 countries.
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