Called in to Wisconsin Public Radio yesterday

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Apr 19, 2007
I usually listen to guntalk on my ipod while I drive home, but I hadn't downloaded it yet so I had Wisconsin Public Radio on. Not surprisingly, the host was having an open forum on Sunday's shootings.

The first call I heard was one guy saying that concealed weapons wouldn't do any good because "this isn't the wild west."

There were a few other calls not regarding guns or concealed carry. Then one lady called in and said that this incident proves that concealed carry is a bad idea. After all, if a police officer can go crazy and shoot up a place, then anyone can go crazy and shoot up a place. Hence no concealed carry.

After listening to these illogical arguments, and hearing the host mostly agree, I decided I had to call in.

I got on the air at 5:56, expressed my condolences, and made three points:
1) Bad people have been around forever, and no amount of laws are going to change bad people. Laws don't make bad behavior go away, look at the illegal drug problem.
2) Self-defense is a basic human right.
3) It is a tragedy that people in Wisconsin are denied the right to carry the most effective self-defense tool available: the firearm.

I said thank-you and they hung up on me. I thought I made my points fairly well because the only thing the host criticized was whether the shooter was really a bad person, since neither he nor I personally knew the shooter. One bonus - I was the last caller of the hour so hopefully people took my comments as a takeaway from the show.

Thanks to Tom Gresham's guntalk for demonstrating how to make these arguments in a persuasive, coherent fashion.

I share in the hopes that others will be inspired to call-in when they hear this sort of talk on the radio.
I got on the air at 5:56

Divine Providence? :)

host criticized was whether the shooter was really a bad person, since neither he nor I personally knew the shooter.

That's hilarious. I didn't know Hitler or Dahmer either, but I'm gonna go on a limb here and say they both qualify as "bad people".
That's just too funny....
So, if he had slaughtered 3-4 more people would that have made him a bad person? Or is it a case of "he was a real nice boy, right up till he killed all them kids..."
Yeah, he may have indeed been a nice kid until he went off. There is no way to know.

Point is, whether he was a "bad person" in the sense of someone who does not share the value system common to most "good" people, or whether he was a "good person" who went over the edge, his aberrant behavior is not relevant to the possible behavior of someone with a concealed carry license.

Security6 - I think you did real well, made good points, and probably got some of the listeners to think a little. You did more good than I did (I didn't call the radio station or even discuss the matter with people at work). Hang in there.
If you intentionally shoot an innocent person, you are a bad person. No way around that.
Standing Wolf, do you have a link to that info? I would like to use it in discussions.

Do a search for a 1994 Washington Post article about crimes commited by DC police officers. The article compared the arrest rate of police officers from other large metro departments to DC's.

The percentage in the other departments was 1% to 2% for any offenses more serious than a traffic ticket.

By contrast, there is no state where the arrest rate for permit holders is above .5%
Nice job!

You did it right. The goal (and this is hard for many gun people) is NOT to make the other side admit that we are right.

The goal is to get the vast majority to consider our comments, to come away with a feeling that we are reasonable, and that if there are "nut jobs" the other side portrays us as.

These are the kind of things we cover with folks who have volunteered to write letters and make calls. We call it the Truth Squad. At more than 5,000 volunteers, that's a lot of letters and calls.
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