There was a power poster, on another forum, who claimed to be loading .380s, for his G42, up to 1100'sec, or more....90 grain bullets. It is my impression that the 42 is overbuilt for caliber, and would likely tolerate a fair amount of that foolishness without breaking anything. Recoil is a different question.
If SAAMI ever adopts an actual .380 +P standard, it would make life easier.
Yeah, .380 PPKs aren't any fun for a lot of shooting. I ended up with a really jaundiced view, trying to work up a handload that would run 100 straight. Never succeeded, and, it was suggested that my hand was tired enough, by the end of the session, that it may have contributed to eventual misfeeds.
That Walther was my first centerfire semi-auto, both to own, and to make my own rounds.
It's hard to believe a PPK and a G42 are firing the same cartridge.
The magic of some newer .380s, the G42, and BGs 1.0&2.0, among them, is their relative comfort. I shoot the BGs in our carry gun league, 30 rounds at a session (including strong/weak hand stages), and don't feel the worse for it. I'd never consider shooting an LCP that much.