Can 380acp be better than 9mm?

I need to splurge on some Hornady Critical Defense Lite 9mm with pink tipped 100gr bullet to see if it is enough milder to matter in a pocket pistol.
The CD Lite has a little less recoil. The 9mm cartridges that use the 65 grain ARX bullet have significantly less recoil in my opinion. The Norma NXD is an example:
Comparing the G25 to a G19, everything is the same except the barrel. Looks like the same RSA. The 380 barrel is thick.
The 25 is a strange critter, and I'm only repeating what I've read on the Glock board. The 25 is 26 sized, so it's not quite sure what its purpose, and it is considered 'blowback', although it is reputed to have mild recoil. Guys there seem to like them, but it's not clear what parts might interchange. Interesting that G19 mags fit.
The G42 is a conventional, Browning model dropping barrel setup, and it (again repeating what I've read) is claimed to handle hot loaded .380s. Mine is really mellow with standard loads.
Not sure I'd be anxious to shoot +P in a BG2.0; with ordinary .380s, it's not unpleasant to shoot. A thirty round course of fire is not a problem, including a one handed stage. But it likely would be an ugly handful with 1100'sec loads. As is often the case, assuming the gun will reliably run the hot stuff, it will surely shorten the service life, and slow follow up shots.
I have had 1 malfunction with the R9. I had a few hundred rounds through it when the "Takedown Pin" / "Locking Pin" sheared in half. I put a new pin in and it has worked fine since then. Replacement pins are almost impossible to get so if I ever do need a new pin, I'll have to have it fabricated.
The 25 is a strange critter, and I'm only repeating what I've read on the Glock board. The 25 is 26 sized, so it's not quite sure what its purpose, and it is considered 'blowback', although it is reputed to have mild recoil. Guys there seem to like them, but it's not clear what parts might interchange. Interesting that G19 mags fit.
The G42 is a conventional, Browning model dropping barrel setup, and it (again repeating what I've read) is claimed to handle hot loaded .380s. Mine is really mellow with standard loads.
Not sure I'd be anxious to shoot +P in a BG2.0; with ordinary .380s, it's not unpleasant to shoot. A thirty round course of fire is not a problem, including a one handed stage. But it likely would be an ugly handful with 1100'sec loads. As is often the case, assuming the gun will reliably run the hot stuff, it will surely shorten the service life, and slow follow up shots.
I have both the g25 and the g28.

The g25 is the 19 sized one and the g28 is the 26 sized one. I compared a 19 and a 25. Everything is the same but the barrel and the hole in the slide at the muzzle end. They made the 380 barrel bigger so in country's that do not allow military calibers, they cant throw in a 9mm barrel. And its not exactly blowback. It is breeched locked. The barrels in both cam down. Rsa’s are the same and the top ends worked fine when i switched the frames. I never saw any parts diagram with part numbers, but i bet its the same as a 19 gen 3.

I could not compared the g28 with a g26, because i dont have a 26. I hate that sized glock. Only reason i got the g28 is i saw it in a store and never seen one. Loved it enough to track down the bigger brother.
The 25 is a strange critter, and I'm only repeating what I've read on the Glock board. The 25 is 26 sized, so it's not quite sure what its purpose, and it is considered 'blowback', although it is reputed to have mild recoil. Guys there seem to like them, but it's not clear what parts might interchange. Interesting that G19 mags fit.
The G42 is a conventional, Browning model dropping barrel setup, and it (again repeating what I've read) is claimed to handle hot loaded .380s. Mine is really mellow with standard loads.
Not sure I'd be anxious to shoot +P in a BG2.0; with ordinary .380s, it's not unpleasant to shoot. A thirty round course of fire is not a problem, including a one handed stage. But it likely would be an ugly handful with 1100'sec loads. As is often the case, assuming the gun will reliably run the hot stuff, it will surely shorten the service life, and slow follow up shots.
I wouldn't have a problem shooting +p in my Glock 42.
My LCP MAX and Bodyguard 2.0 with +p? No thanks......
Love Hickok 45's videos.

Gave my 380 to my SIL when she decided it was time to arm. Works well for her. My preference is for the 9mm, though. Even though I'm old, I'm not arthritic and a compact 9mm doesn't present any issues for me.

I probably should admit here that my EDC is a 38 snub, just to be honest.
The g25 is the 19 sized one and the g28 is the 26 sized one. I compared a 19 and a 25.
Thanks, got my numbers mixed. Your post explains, and reiterates, what has been said at Glock Talk, thank you.
I'm sure avoiding 'military' calibers was part of the mission for these guns' creation.
Had a G26, actually took it to an Ayoob class. The fat, little turd shot far better than it had any right. But it was every bit as thick as its 17/19 cousins, and therefore nearly as hard to hide. The P365 made the G26 redundant in Moonland.
It appears that the sale of the 25 & 28 are sold here, at least, partially, to satisfy the Glock faithful.
Are your pistols domestically made, or imports? Are they now considered regular catalog items?
Thanks, got my numbers mixed. Your post explains, and reiterates, what has been said at Glock Talk, thank you.
I'm sure avoiding 'military' calibers was part of the mission for these guns' creation.
Had a G26, actually took it to an Ayoob class. The fat, little turd shot far better than it had any right. But it was every bit as thick as its 17/19 cousins, and therefore nearly as hard to hide. The P365 made the G26 redundant in Moonland.
It appears that the sale of the 25 & 28 are sold here, at least, partially, to satisfy the Glock faithful.
Are your pistols domestically made, or imports? Are they now considered regular catalog items?
They were made in the usa. They were a lipsey special run. I was doing a transfer in mt FFL when i saw the g28. He just got them in. I think they are still around. I would get a 25 if you can. Its like shooting a 22lr.
You guys "flung a craving" on me for some more .380 action. I loaded more .380 last night with the Lee 95gr. FN (old Ranch Dog design) over 2.8gr. WIN231 Col. .940 with the SyA SPPs. We'll see how they do.
Whose primers are those? How hard is the battery cup, compared to, say Federal or CCI? Price @ k? Tell me a little more; been able to get Feds, but they're pricey.
The are from Argentina.

Servicios y Aventuras​

Astra has them on sale right now cheaper than when I bought them! They are good. I had one misfire, but think it was some problem brass (issues prior). Otherwise I’ve shot hundreds without issue.
I lost my concern and gained new respect for the.380. One night several years ago I was driving home and came up on a grown buck lying in the road. It had obviously been hit by a car but was still alive and thrashing, attempting to get up. I exited the car and approached it, whereupon it managed to get up and struggled to get off the road and collapsed. I moved my car to position the headlights on the deer and decided to put it down and aleave suffering and prevent it from getting back into the road and causing another collision.

I had only the Bodyguard .380. It had a round of Winchester 85gr Silver Tip in the chamber. I aimed at the deer’s left eye as it was starring at me. The bullet hit it below the eye and a piece of skull and brain matter blew out the back. I was astonished! Never more will I underestimate the.380!

Besides the S&W Bodyguard, I’ve got a Betetta 85-BB. Beautiful 8-shot Italian Prison surplus. I bought two additional magazines. It’s suprisingly accurate and a joy to shoot. I also have a companion M84 12-shot in .32acp….
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You guys "flung a craving" on me for some more .380 action. I loaded more .380 last night with the Lee 95gr. FN (old Ranch Dog design) over 2.8gr. WIN231 Col. .940 with the SyA SPPs. We'll see how they do.
I really like 3.2gr of #231 under the 95gr Lee RFN. 2.8 gives me occasional short strokes. 3.5 is max, but I can feel the polymer frame flexing. So, 3.2 is it for me. Duplicates European factory loads.
I had only the Bodyguard .380.
Since it was some time ago, presume the Bodyguard 1.0. How do you like it? IMHO, safest pocket gun ever. The true DAO makes sure you actually want the gun to go off. TruGlo makes some great sights for it.
The 2.0 version is easier to shoot, holds more rounds, and has little size penalty. For all that, I won't get rid of the 1.0s.
European factory loads.
Need to root through my chrono data. Have to believe I clocked some Euro loads at some time.