Can dipping while hunting lure in deer?

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Get you a dip of copenhagen and go hunting , my feathers are just fine , im sure the op is not the only one to wonder if dippin has a afect on deer or not, so what do you dip?:neener:
Well, I figued I'd ressurect the ol' topic and let yall know that I no longer dip Skoal Cherry...or Berry...or Apple...or (so on) In fact the only Skoal I'll dip now is FC WG cause it's good. I'm a Grizz Natural man now. Just figured I'd let yall know cause lookin back on it I'm embarrased to think that I dipped that lol.
cause lookin back on it I'm embarrased to think that I dipped that lol.

I dipped Copenhagen exclusively for 22 years. I quit all tobacco products 14 years ago. I'll burn a good cigar over a glass of scotch around the campfire 2 or 3 times a season. For the most part my tobacco days are over. Quitting dipping was the hardest thing I ever did. But in those 22 years I killed a lot of Deer with a dip in my lip. :)
I had one instance where I got winded by a buck and he spooked. I figured well I am busted and this stand will be worthless for a few days. I started to gather my gear and lit a smoke. The buck doubled back on me and kept sniffing the air. He came into bow range and was anchored. I don't know but he seemed to be trying to figure out what he was smelling.
I've had deer stand at the base of my tree and sniff/lick the leaves where I had spit. I've spooked far more deer by not sitting still, than by getting winded.
Anything out of the ordinary seems to attract deer. I dip while I hunt and see plenty of deer. But if its a heavely hunted area you best refrain.
Wow, this is just great, i always have a good size pinch of good ol Grizzly in, and i have taken several dozen deer, and turkeys, and i lost count of how many squirrels and rabbits, doves, i have taken.

My personal theory on this is that a younger buck that doesent know his "ropes" yet is curious. He smells this strange scent (of tobacco smoke or dipspit) and he will want to investigate. Also, my family has raised tobacco for decades, and every year we will lose a few plants from deer eating them while they are still young.
I am planning on going hunting in about an hour and a half and I just wanted to know your opinions on this...Will having a dip (Skoal Cherry) in scare away deer or lure them? I would think both, but the smell of it is just so tantalizing, not to mention it's all natural so they would be curious about it...what's your opinions?

My mother has a cat that seems to love my cigarette tobacco as much as it loves catnip. This cat will jump up on the table and stick its muzzle in the tobacco and jerk its head around while I'm rolling a cigarette. Then it starts acting all funny as if it had a nicotine buzz.
The only thing dipping will give you is oral/throat cancer. I've been off and on for about 25 years. The getting off thing is harder than the getting back on thing. I am going to try and stay off this time.:)

IMHO it doesn't have any affect on deer at all. Best thing to do is not hunt with the wind to your back.;)
When I was a little kid, there was a fellow who went deer hunting all the time. He swore, and I mean swore, that "Hi Karate Cologne" attracted deer. He always had deer hanging in his garage, and he always used that cologne. I know because he had a big bottle of it in the garage and used it!

Go figure!

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