I have a Hi-Point C9 that I paid $120 for that's my garage gun. It's not a carry gun, but I will depend on it for defense if I'm ever in need of a firearm when I'm in my garage.
Cheapest handgun you would trust for defense
I bought an SAR B6P a month or so ago because I didn't have a full size 9mm. From Classic Arms it was $249.99. Shipping, transfer fee and all totaled $285. As of right now I'm approaching 1000 rounds and I have deliberately refrained from cleaning it to see if it'll quit, which it hasn't yet. It's also remarkable accurate and takes CZ75 magazines with very minor modification.
A couple of weeks ago I found a used one for <$190. This thing has been through the mill and apparently never, ever cleaned. I disassembled it, cleaned it up, did a little work on the trigger pull and now it's every bit as good as my "new" one.
I just bought yet ANOTHER Rossi .38 revolver from the LATE Interarms era for $199, and I know (when it gets here) it'll be good quality and reliable, but most people don't want to decipher eras of this type of gun. Even the lower quality Rossi's from earlier pre- Interarms eras can be decent (as in reliable) if you adjust them and get the cylinder gap so that the gun will function correctly, but most people buy those, have problems, then say "Ahh, I should've bought something better!" when 20 minutes of work would've fixed their problems permanently. Oh well.
I got the DAO fixed-sight model of the 720 (44 spcl) at a pawn shop for $250 recently. It is in good shape and shoots well. Rossi made some nice revolvers during that time period.
My SCCY had some malfunctions, and I shot less than a box of ammo. I'm just waiting to fire (for the first time) four other guns before further action. Also, I bought a Star Super B 9mm for about the same price and had issues. Been so long ago that I can't remember exactly what they were. They don't let me out often.A few years ago I bought an SCCY. A tad over $200. It eats everything I feed it and never had an issue with it. I've got around 1000 rounds through it.
A few years ago I bought an SCCY. A tad over $200. It eats everything I feed it and never had an issue with it. I've got around 1000 rounds through it.
Best beater I ever got that I trusted for SD was....a revolver. A Smith Model 10 4 inch pencil barrel that looked like it had been carried in a box of rocks in a pickup bed across a bad gravel road. But when I popped the cylinder open I saw five shiny rings on it...the five rings on the cylinder where the guy kept five rounds loaded forever and ever and the "ringless" empty under the hammer. Mechanically it was a perfect as the day it left the factory, and it had been kept oiled. I think I paid $175 for that gem, and it was incredibly accurate. Sadly, it too fell prey to the bad job/need baby food days. *sigh*.
That SAR looks interesting, would love to try one.
The cheapest I ever used for SD was a CZ-70 in .32 ACP - think I paid $100 for it. Nifty features but the caliber was light and the trigger atrocious.