Cleaning up brass from yard

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I doubt they'd use metal detectors but the gain can be adjusted to ignore trash metal and hit on larger masses. They could always go with ground penetrating radar if metal detectors are not possible.

My guns may someday be buried, but not without me to join them.
What we've been doing to poor old WhiteKnight reminds of what happened to a poor soul who got hopelessly stuck in a cave.

True story:
I was on a cave rescue about 6 years ago where a fellow got himself completely stuck in a passageway that way too small for him - he was on the, uh, 'portly' side. We were discussing the best method of extraction. Someone suggested using an air hammer. His eyes got a little wide at this suggestion. I suggested using dynamite to break up the rock face. He got downright scared and was almost going to cry, but still didn't say anything. (We were kidding of course.) We broke out the hammers and chisels, placed a blanket over his head and goggles on his eyes and began chipping away.

Several hours later and before he was completely free, the leader said to him, "I've got to apologize to you in advance."

The young man said, "Apologize to me! I should apologize to you all for having to go through all this."

"No, no. You don't understand. We're going to have one helluva good laugh later on at your expense over some beers!"

And we did. Still laugh about it to this day whenever we think about the look on his face.
They could always go with ground penetrating radar if metal detectors are not possible.

Depends on the conductivity of the soil. If the soil consists mostly of clay, or you live close enough to the ocean that the groundwater is unusually salty, you could theoretically get it deeper than radar can penetrate. But in that case, I might worry more about corrosion than the .gov finding it.
Hell, in my neck of the woods, the topsoil aint but 3" deep. After that, its red clay for about 3ft, then blue clay/shale. That is some tough crap to dig through with a post hole digger, let me tell you.

Where do you put muffler bearing grease if you have no mufflers? I generally pack my Muffler Bearings (made with Unobtainiumâ„¢) in congealed blinker fluid anyway. :D
rent one of these:
If anyone has a brass magnet let me know. I'd trade my left handed metric hammer for one. I used it in the Army when I would look for soft spots on the armor of my Bradley.
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