Clever idea for a secure gun safe that the burglar is unlikely to even find

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the problem with that is...... during a regular smash-n-grab.....under the bed/mattress is one of the first places a common burglar will look.
I seen a pic a while back of an old refrigerator in a garage, but inside was a very nicely decked out gun safe. Unless the thief got thirsty and wanted to grab a Coke, you'd be none the wiser.
I've thought about cutting some storage boxes and totes and using the. To cover the outside of a gun safe. At a casual glance, it's looks like a pile if storage in the corner of the garage.

If kept inside, a bookshelf on low profile wheels set in front of it.
I've thought about cutting some storage boxes and totes and using the. To cover the outside of a gun safe. At a casual glance, it's looks like a pile if storage in the corner of the garage.

If kept inside, a bookshelf on low profile wheels set in front of it.
Or a box a refrigerator ships in.
...a bookshelf on low profile wheels set in front of it.

I've considered this one and went on to something else.

Wheels leave marks, whether on carpeting or hardwood floors. It would have to be hung like a safe door, with no support from the floor, to avoid making marks.
Show me a properly - even if amateurishly - burgled crime scene and I'll show you displaced mattresses.

But hey - at least it's uncomfortable and more expensive than a regular bed.
Way too much of a hassle to move a queen or king size mattress everytime I wanted to do something with my guns. Not a bad idea just not very practical on a daily basis.
there are better solutions out there
such as sliding drawer like a captains bed, however, while they offer locking storage, I would not venture to call them a 'safe'
My apartment got broken into back in 1985.

I don't have any idea whatsoever who did it.

They "Tossed" the place completely.

They removed books off the shelves, pictures off the walls, pulled the drawers out of the dressers, took the top off the toilet tank, went through the refrigerator, pulled out the dirty clothes, yanked the mattresses off the beds and turned the box springs over, moved every chair and coffee table... and even yanked some of the air conditioning vents off the walls.

They looked EVERYWHERE. They missed NOTHING.

They took every single thing that they thought had some value, including some frozen steaks.

I lost eight guns that day.

Why am I telling you this? Because I for one am totally convinced that hiding things from burglars is a total waste of time.

Sure, if you want to hide your guns from the people that live in your house, go ahead.

But make no mistake. The bad guys will find your stuff if they get in.

That bed safe looks pretty stout. Maybe it's enough, maybe not.

But personally, I want my safe attached to the concrete slab, and in a closet where it's not easy to use a big prybar on it.

That bed safe looks like it would ride out on a dolly.

I'm thinking a serious gunsafe that will actually work can be had for less.

The safe I have now was in a locked closet back in '96 when the townhouse we had then was robbed.

They pried the lock on the closet door open, saw the safe, and moved on.

They never touched it. (I always stop the combination on the same random looking number, and I could tell it had not been moved.)

Apparently, they recognized that the safe was not going to open and moved on to taking a few computers and TV sets.

Yes. Get a safe. The best one you can afford. For the price of one good rifle you get to keep ALL your good rifles.

Mine has payed for it's self ten times over, and it's about 20 years old now. Well worth the cost.
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Maybe I've misinterpreted...

I just got to thinking that maybe this isn't a matter of hiding the guns under the bed so much as it is of stowing a safe in an environment where one either has no room for a free standing safe or wants a safe "outa sight" yet has no other concealment options due to renting or simple physics.

I allowed the word "burglar" in the title to direct my assessment of the product's value.

I note the actual ad mentions burglars only to point out the hassle presented to them by the product rather than it's concealability. And at that, it's in a separate review of the product.

I'm seeing the validity in the right scenario.

I know that the first time my place was broken into with a bed safe - if it thwarted the thieves - I would certainly move it and the contents out as they'll be back with the proper tools. Maybe that once is worth it though.
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