Colorado at it again...

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SCOTUS does have other priorities. Their rulings are more towards the Federal side and not state side, to a certain point.
It should be obvious to everyone by now. The USSC is not going to get involved in states that legislate against 2A and RKBA. They don't have to and they won't. They can hold up 10A forever as an excuse not to get involved. Although they will with other issues that have absolutely nothing to do with the constitution. If they keep seeing states passing AG legislation they'll stay away from it.

I see people hoping the USSC will save their RKBA. They won't. Your one and only bet is stop it at the state level. Short of that, you lose it and it won't be coming back.

States rights until they say it isn't.
The MD carry case has not gone through all the levels of the courts. Meaning that all available options of redress haven't been exhausted.

SCOTUS 99 out of 100 times denies a interlocutory challenge.
Moving is like running from the battle, and cowardly. People need to become actively involved in pro gun legislation, and make sure those introducing these insane laws know the voters don't like it, and will hold them responsible.
SCOTUS traditionally denies interlocutory challenges.
Well, how about they get their robed butts off the jets and yachts. If it is clear the law is unconstitutional, spare us all the ups and downs and delays. They can act quickly if their political buddy needs something. This is getting old.
Well, how about they get their robed butts off the jets and yachts. If it is clear the law is unconstitutional, spare us all the ups and downs and delays. They can act quickly if their political buddy needs something. This is getting old.
Gee, a job for life, great pay and benefits, minimum work load, no real consequences for poor performance, an ample clothing allowance and you're expecting "results"..?
That's the problem with a lot of politicians, but hopefully SCOTUS will get off of their duffs and make some decisions on gun cases.
Lot's to unpack here but to keep it short...

Re: Red state/blue state --- Remember that California's first iteration of an AWB was signed into law by a Republican governor who had the support of the founder of GOA. The bill that made it happen had bi-partisan support. Too much energy goes into the idea that "red" means a place is safe. That's thinking is pure folly.

Re: SCOTUS will eventually save us all! --- Anyone who's paid any attention to RKBA for any real length of time, should know this isn't the most likely outcome, even in the post-Heller world. Maybe even especially in that world. But the real danger to that thinking is that it drives complacency in the RKBA community because everyone is content to just wait around for our black-robed saviors to arrive.

On topic: If I recall in the last thread about Colorado's attempt to write this type of law, one of the sticking points was about the lack of an inheritance clause for what would be banned guns. I noticed this latest draft of the bill includes that. To me, that's a sign that the authors are appealing to the other side to gain support. That part alone should be setting off all sorts of alarms for CO residents who care about the 2A.
If the state of Illinois put controls on The Koran or Bible the courts would be on fire to undo it. No five justices on SCOTUS are going to open the floodgates to semiautomatic firearms. The states can do what they want for the most part when it comes to firearms.
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One of the modest hopes I have for the upcoming change in Washington... is the possible chance for the new president to appoint one or two new supremes - that are the same caliber as the ones he appointed his first term. Like most I'm aware that any changes from the highest court will take years to see on the ground - but it's far better than we'd have if the other side were doing the appointing...
Exactly correct. I cannot like these enough about the problem analyses of waiting for Scotus. Ever since Heller, folks have raised the court to the status of gun gods or messiahs! But Heller had problems of clarity. Bruen was a mess and they refuse to engage now. Their procedural excuses ring hollow again and again as they can leap right in for their political buddies. They diddle with peripheral issuses. Folks say - just wait - Clarence Thomas is going to scorch them. Right - yawn. While political, I think (what do I know) that Thomas and Alito don't have the respect of Roberts and Barret due their shenanigans and wacky wives spouting off. Nor do I think those two are fully on board for wiping out bans. Kavanaugh could be iffy. Thus, expect the grand golden Wonka bar of a decision isn't going to happen. We have had progress with those two decisions but I think we have reached their limit.

Like most I'm aware that any changes from the highest court will take years to see on the ground

I'll be in the ground by then or someone/infirmaty will have taken the old toot's guns away.
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Like many here I feel like I'm 17.. but my plumbing is every bit of 76 years old... so I know that only a few of the changes I'd like to see will happen in my lifetime. With seven grandkids, though, the challenges our country faces will have great consequences for them - so I do pay attention. Enough about politics, I have bookings this weekend and lure orders to complete - not to mention bit of range time if at all possible. This last election has provided a bit of hope - and that's all any of us can expect...
I wouldn't hold my breath. But Texas is becoming a huge pain in recent years due to all those moving to the state from California and other deep blue states.
AZ and NV also becoming magenta from the CA migration. I lived in AZ in the 60's and 70's. I went back a few years ago and Phoenix looked like LA. Well, up until last week.

Colorado seems like all the CA refugees are runining the state.
Similar situation in Maine with all the MA refugees.
If you've been taxed out of your socialist paradise, please don't insist that the state you take refuge in changes to be more like the one you just ran away from.
Correct for now… The more tech and other CA jobs that move here. We will end up the same as CO, WA, OR, etc.
I always get great amusement out of the California bashing.
That's what we were saying about everybody moving to California 50-60 years ago . I was born there and we had fantastic upland (dove and quail), waterfowl hunting and salt water fishing back when I was growing in the 60s and 70s . Some days we would surf in the morning and hunt desert quail in the afternoon. We had outdoor ranges, drag strips, MX, speedway, and figure 8 tracks. Couple of gun shows a month.
Population went from 19 million in 1970 to about 38 million now. It was a sportsman's and gear head’s paradise. I had a great time growing up there. I left over 20 years ago.
I remember back in grade school (60s), the teacher did a survey in our class of 25-30, and only 3 of us were born in California. My folks were from Utah and Colorado. Folks seem to forget California was a fairly conservative state. Heck, Reagan was Governor. Starting changing in the 80s.

It is horrible what has happened to CA. A paradise lost.
Not popular? It's Unconstitutional
They care MUCH more about it being unpopular than if it is unconstitutional. If you are paying much attention to how things go these days, the only barrier for most people in power for gun control these days is how far can they go and still get elected. The legality, actual ability to stop violence or morality are of almost no interest.
Problem is the Dems use public funds out of your pocket to advance their Socialist agenda, you have to spend private funds to stop it.

Democrat Fudd gun owners will just buy whatever is still available for them to buy until all firearms are banned from civilian possession. Even then they will still vote for Democrat politicians. The reason those politicians keep enacting those laws is because they don't loose votes or face any backlash from their electorate.
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