Compassion run amok - Bush's immigration policy

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I get so sick of all this screaming for the gov’t to “close the bordersâ€. It really ticks me off for two separate reasons. First, it’s physically impossible to do. I wish that just once somebody would utter those words and actually have a clue how to accomplish them. Granted more could be done but “close the borderâ€, it’s impossible for a myriad of reasons. Secondly, why must everybody look to the gov’t for solutions to issues? Granted there is a purpose for gov’t and that’s to achieve objectives that individuals cannot, but I fail to see anything but pleading for the almighty gov’t to save us all. That’s not the attitude America was built with and its damn sure not the attitude that will keep America going.
And some of us get sick of people who keep saying the Government can do nothing when, frankly, IT IS THEIR JOB TO DO SOMETHING. Perhaps the Government can't stop the influx completely at the border but they could, if they were so ordered, stop a great deal of it. All that is required is the political will. We are trying to interdict border crossings elsewhere in the world but for some reason we can't protect our own. The Government can also take some steps to control public benefits to illegal aliens and enforce existing laws against employers hiring illegals. All of this, ahenry, you know perfectly well.

Are you arguing for vigilantes or a ten million person march on D.C.? What? It's clear that this Administration is guided by an inner light on this subject, but the light isn't emanating from On High but rather from the temples of Karl Rove and a small cast of plutocrats. The Government would like nothing better than to quash citizen action at the border, and they've already tried more than once. I think the official policy, de facto, of this Administration is identical to the one before it: BRING 'EM ON.
The most effective things that can be done can only be done by government. No welfare or government handouts for illegals. Enforce laws against employers hiring illegals. If there is no economic benefit to be here, they will not come. Also, the National Guard can patrol the borders. Unfortunately, there seems to be no political will to protect this country.:confused:
The issue for Bush is not immigration(legal or not)it's votes. Plain and simple W is doing what any incumbent(or non-incumbent for that matter)would and will do-pander for votes to a powerful ethnic constituency. The problem I have with it is not that Bush is a whore for votes, it's that we citizens and our safety are his currency.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

So you think illegal immigration is okay? How would it be if Israel opened her borders and gave any islamic fundamentalist suicude bombing nut job that wanted to come in a free pass? How long do you think Israel would exist? THe principle is the same, but the US is bigger so it would just take longer to wreak the same amount of havoc.
Uhm, we let ANYBODY in, they just need to have Jewish relative, and we're negotiationg to let huge amounts of "Islamics" in, thank you.

And what havoc was wroken by the generations of US immigrants?

And no, illegal immigration is not fine. It should be legal.
Your mistake. I don't see the wisdom in allowing people that you know HATE you and your country unfettered access to your country.

As far as the havoc wrought by US immigrants, there are two types. THe immigrants that came here LEGALLY searching for a better life became part of the the backbone of our country. The ILLEGAL immigrants have not become a productive part of our society. The havoc wrought would be the costs they have presented to our taxpayers through welfare and health care systems, as well as the jobs they take from our citizens. And yeah, I can see the "but they do jobs that no one else will do" argument coming. As to that, we should abandon our welfare system and allow the people living off of the government dole take those jobs that no one wants so that they may actually EARN a living.

We have immigration laws on the books. We should follow them and deport the illegals that are already here and prevent more illegals from coming and draining our budget.
And you let anybody in, they just have to have a jewish relative? What the heck is that? We don't require our legal imimigrants to have a relative here. That's not letting "ANYBODY" in, that's a pretty stringent requirement.
That is a lot less stringent than i thought, but how do you guard against fraud?
The Japanese need to use some birth control or something. If you lived here, in the country, you would see how great this place is. Think of a fish tank. You can have an inch of fish per gallon of water. If you have too many, they will suffocate. A country is the same way. You should only have so many people per square mile. We have space here. If the Japanese or any other culture that breed like rabbits have bred themselves into a corner, that's their problem. They don't need to make it ours.
I don't think they ARE well off. I think they are packed in like sardines in a can. Even in our cities here like Seattle and Charlotte I feel suffocated. Can't even imagine going to NEw York or LA. If you were to live here, you might understand. When you finally immigrate here, I think you'll see what I mean.
Let me see if I've got this right:

If I'm not a citizen of the U. S., I can slip into the country across the Canadian or Mexican border, bring my family if I like, get a job and not worry too much about getting arrested. If I do get caught, I MAY be sent back across the border after a lengthy legal process. And if I am caught and deported, my employer will simply replace me with another illegal alien.

If I carry a concealed weapon without proper licensing, even though I have never been in trouble with the law before and even though the Second Amendment says I have the right, I WILL be arrested, charged with a felony and probably be sent to the slammer, and never be permitted to own a firearm again.

The justice of all this is . . .
Actually, that's the way it use to be until Cesar Chavez (UFW) lobbied to have it changed. The UFW then used it to demand higher wages for those who were here legally. It may reduce labor costs for farm jobs, but also affects skilled positions such as heavy equipment operators, etc.

1 - Deep Six the rather luscious welfare State we have built up.

I know of Mexicans in South West who work hard and do a lot of job Americans old rather not do, this is fine, but it becomes unfine when they absolutely juice the welfare system to it's fullest extent. Any economic benefit they might be producing is going to be lost when it is dwarfed by how much they drain from the economy from increased welfare expenditures that the taxpayer must bare. If people want to work, fine, if thier employer wants to give them any benies, fine, but no one else should be made to pay for the benies of illegals, or legals for that matter.

2 - Instead of kissing Vincente Fox's behind, invite him to kiss ours.

He seems to spend his efforts trying to influence our policies so that Mexicans may gain from us. Instead of training his people to be parasites that exist off of us and only produce when they are within our borders, maybe he should try fixing his own country. Mexico, despite its abundace of natural resources and large population, remains poor. I wonder if it ever occured to them that the reason why they're poor might be their socialist policies and cultural attitudes.

If they want assistance, I'll be more than happy if the govt contract to have the Cato institute and a bunch of other think tanks tell them how to unfoxtrot their country along with any other country in the world, but they have to become self-producing and self-sufficent, not parasites that beg the US for help every time something bad happens.


Suppose it's in the middle of WWII and Hans Schneider, formerly of the Hitler Youth and the Waffen SS wants to immigrate, along with a few thousand of his buddies with similar backgrounds. Do you think it a wise idea for us to throw our arms up and invite them in? If your country has an open door policy then I just lost a little respect for Israel. How many homicide bombings can you sustain? How many radical Muslims are therein the world that would be willing to sacrifice themselves if it means helping to destroy Israel?
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