Courage and dreams

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Dec 26, 2004
I've gone hunting twice with a friend of mine, boy what a rush. The feeling of shooting a gun really gets me going. Lastnight I had a dream I was shooting my friends rifle at a circus. Not at people, just shooting it everywhere randomly. What the heck does that mean? Ive thought about shooting at houses before or parked cars, maybe even at a park or something. My question is this, how does everyone feel about shooting at unusual targets. By that I mean, not killing people, but shooting them.

Has anyone ever shot someone? Lets say someones harassing you, like a panhandeler or something. Instead of just pushing them off of you, shooting them ? And saying it was self defense? I dont want to go to jail, or kill anyone. Please help.
If you are not just a troll , then you very much need to go seek mental help . Check your local yellow pages for counselling services ; if you indeed have fantasies of shooting people then there is no doubt that you should not own firearms and are in need of therapy .
If this is a joke, it's a piss-poor one.

Seriously though, just go do something else, and get he guns off your mind. Ride a bike, talk to someone, seak some therapy. You don't have to be a physco to get a little therapy every once and a while. They're there for anyone who may be thinking about doing something they may regret.

P.S. And since anythinng you say privildeged you don't have to worry about them ratting you out for thinking that stuff.
Its natural isnt it though? The government is the only one throwing rules at the population saying its not acceptable. If we were in the wild it would be fine. Animals do it all the time. I don't think I need therapy.
Actually it isn't natural for humans. Throughout all recorded history, people in community groups that kill within the group without reason or some kind of cultural justification end up dead.

The Aztec priesthood slaughtered thousands on the temple heights, but if Joe Blow whacked Shmuckatelli just for a gold bracelet, Joe got the axe.

People who enjoy killing people for its own sake (which does not include the normal pleasure of surviving when it was you or them justifiably) have a pathology.

We are "social creatures," but we are more than simply animals.
I would hardly define the Aztec culture as "in the wild". They were a society. I still dont see whats wrong with survival of the fittest.
I don't think there's anything wrong with you, what you describe sounds normal.
I would hardly define the Aztec culture as "in the wild". They were a society.

That's the point. Humans don't LIVE in "the wild." Never have. As long as we have had cognition we have evidence that we lived in social groups with normative behaviour.

Unrestrained homicide is not "survival of the fittest," it is a quick road to extinction. That's why you very seldom see it in any higher animals and never as normative in human history.

Rogues outside societies are seen as threats, and either avoided or destroyed as a threat to the group. Humans having their physical limitations, they (we) couldn't live solo and survive.

And dreams are one thing, most people have occasional anti-social dreams, acting on dreams is another. The newfound sense of "power" when you first start shooting has its effects, but it goes away. Especially as you realize that there are a LOT more of them (other people with guns) than there is of you. ;)
Trust me - this is NOT normal. If are serious, get any available guns & ammo out of your reach. Don't delay. Lock them up & give the key to a responsible adult. Then call up your county mental health services or sheriff's dept. immediately and tell them about your feelings. You need professional help far beyond what you can get on this forum, and you need it fast - before somebody gets hurt or even killed.
if your feelings are severe and you actually plan how how it would happen and the such, then yes you need some help mentally.

if your simply driving down the road and some jerk cuts you off or that stuck up b**** at work keeps bugging you and a quick thought or popping them in kneecaps jumps into your head and then goes away then your still slighty messed up but not much more than most.

humans as a whole are generally warlike and savage and primal but civilzation and emotional evolution have qualmed those feelings into guilty thoughts and demented fantasies. as long as they stay thoughts and never consume you then nothing major is going on in your head, if these thoughts start to take over your days and dreams then you indeed have a loose wire in your head and should seek help.
I think being able to walk into a building to start shooting up the place would be a blast.

I'm not talking about shooting people, just "stuff." It's all about variety. Hasn't anyone wanted to put a few rounds through a plate glass window or see how fast you can hit all the potted plants lined up on a shelf?

I have similar thoughts about driving. Anyone ever wanted to drive inside a building just for the heck of it? Not crashing through a wall, just tearing around inside.

And flying... I'd like to be able to drop down low over the Grand Canyon for a better view. Or maybe buzz Manhattan.

But all my fantasies of grandeur are death-free, thankfully.

I'll let the internet head-shrinks explain why people sometimes feel like that.

Probably an anti hopping to get us "gun nuts" to agree with him. That way, when he reports back to his "home" forum he can show his "friends" that we are "nuts".

Ive thought about shooting at houses before or parked cars, maybe even at a park or something.

Any shooting done outside the firing range, will get you arrested.

Lets say someones harassing you, like a panhandeler or something. Instead of just pushing them off of you, shooting them ? And saying it was self defense? I dont want to go to jail, or kill anyone. Please help.

Killing someone is a serious matter. And if you don't want to go to jail or kill anyone, then please don't shoot at houses, parked cars, or in a park. For your own sake and the rest of society.

I suggest you stay far away from guns for now and maybe take basic firearm classes.
I came to your website in search of a nonformal place to buy guns, not stir up problems. I was just wondering if anyone else had the same day dreams. I'm not an anti-gun 'freak' , and if I was I could make up plenty of my own silly quotes to post somewhere else.

I just wanted to see if anyone felt the same way

Besides whats wrong with being sociopathic?
FYI: There's no such thing as a 'non-formal' firearm sale - all interstate sales conducted on this forum must go through licensed dealers in accordance with all state and federal laws.

Go buy one out of someone's trunk in South Central if you want a 'non-formal' transaction.
stv is right, the only non ffl sales ive heard about were ftf where both parties required each other to have a ccw.
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