coyland creek five stand


Dec 7, 2016
entropy and i are gonna shoot some five stand at coyland creek on sunday. midday. we have done it last winter. it is out of a heated semi trailer with gun ports. located just outside of siren, wisconsin.
...come on all you cheese head and borderline minnesotans > join us
as a side bonus, acme bullets are displayed and sold there quite reasonably priced. and no i am not a salesman....
both me and entropy shot a 29, our other buddy shot a 30. i used a citori cxs. entropy can update his gun. grabbed some 38 148wc and some 45 semi wad cutters too.
....thrower number six is my enemy, as long it is first in a pair i can get it, second bird thrown in a pair not so much. in case you are not sure, there are eight throwers arranged in a horseshoe fashion around the trailer.
Yup, for me #7 was the bug bear, I couldn't see them from the first 3 firing ports until they were about to land in the pond.
I shot two rounds the first with the 20 ga. barrel set on my SKB 585, the second with the 28 ga. set.
entropy and i are gonna shoot some five stand at coyland creek on sunday. midday. we have done it last winter. it is out of a heated semi trailer with gun ports. located just outside of siren, wisconsin.
...come on all you cheese head and borderline minnesotans > join us
That's cheatin', in my book. :rofl: . Heck, the Packers play best when it's 20 below.