Crimped in primers


Dec 30, 2011
I have a quanity of Lake City 30-06 brass (Once Fired), the brass has crimped in primers.
Before I swage the crimp should I tumbles the brass (SS pins), or just do the swaging after removing
the primers??
Thank you for any input.
I usually wet tumble then inspect the brass. Any crimped stuff gets set aside and then swaged.

I like the primer pockets clean so I get a good read on my primer go/no go gauges. I use those gauges to set the super swage up for that caliber that day.
Maybe I am a bit OCD with this but I prefer to decap first, wet tumble, separate the cases by crimp and no crimp with a primer pocket gauge, and process the one that need swaging. Sounds like “many roads lead to Damascus” in this case.
Personally I decap first, swage primer pockets, then clean with SS pins. If cleaning with dry media I would think order would not matter as much as the primer pockets won't get nearly as clean.
+50 years experience ...
1.) Swag the pockets
2.) Use a Primer Pocket Uniforming Tool to ream the pockets to a uniform diameter and depth .
3.) Now You done ... Cleam Em

Step #2 may seem like a pain but the Uniforming ream job is worth the extra effort.
