Critical: Feinstein/AWB on Senate Calendar!

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Ironbarr AWB - yeah, but...

I heard a call for a special session last week. Kerry's calling for it now. I don't have a doubt one that DiFEI would attach an amendment to whatever a special session would come up with. Also, they could just call the proper committee for "revue and action" then bring in the rest (before 9/14) for a vote - even after midnight.

Don't think for a minute that the fat lady has aready sang her Swan Song.

Re the foregoing, Might I repeat something I've already said, multiple times. We ignore the continuing need to keep the pressure on our "elected things", AT OUR PERIL.

Her husband and son were shot with an ordinary handgun, illegally in New York. No Assault Weapons, real or so-called, were involved.
I am quite aware of that fact. It was a Ruger handgun purchased from now-defunct B&B Sales.

HERE is the story

Colin Ferguson was convicted of the December 7, 1993 shooting of 25 people aboard the 5:33 pm Long Island Rail Road commuter train out of Penn Station, at Merillon Avenue station in Garden City, New York. Ferguson was wrestled to the floor of the train by three men, as he reloaded his Ruger P-89 9mm pistol for the third time, and held until the arrival of police.
Something else that is of interest in tha Ferguson case.

4 Mar 1996 A meritless lawsuit filed by victims' families against Olin, manufacturer of Black Talon ammunition, and Ruger, manufacturer of the gun Ferguson used in the killings, is dismissed because it would involve a wholesale expansion of tort law. McCarthy v. Sturm, Ruger and Co., Inc., 916 F.Supp. 366 (S.D.N.Y. 1996)
She didn't get the money so she decided she'd get even.
Back to the AWB...

Some congress critters are back in WashDC considering the 9/11 recommendations and Bush's comments - which means (in my insidious mind) that any action coming out of this, now or in Sept before 9/14, could include an AWB extension attempt. After all, the new intelligence mogul, etc., is a big hot button now.

Let's stay on top of this, my friends.

Dennis Hastert on NPR Morning Edition

This morning, Dennis Hastert was on NPR's Morning Edition. The interviewer asked him about the AWB, and Hastert said "been there, done that," and expressed doubt that the renewal could get past the Senate even if it could clear the House. More interesting was his tone toward the question. During the other parts of the interview, he was pretty responsive to the questions, but for this question, he acted like this was old news and he was clearly ready to go on to the next question.

I think you can actually listen to the interview on NPR's website, but I don't know how long their archives stay up.
I am going to defloat this one as the Senate will not be meeting to pass legislation until September 8. We can start a new thread then if necessary.
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