CSPAN thread for Monday 03/01/04

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Craig is awesome.

And for a lot of people machine guns were effectively banned in 1934.
Thanks, guys, for keeping me up-to-date on the happenings in the Senate today. I couldn't watch it at work.

I did a little research about Senator Hutchison's vote on the original ugly-semi-auto rifle ban. It was part of H.R. 3355 in the 103rd Congress. The initial senate vote on this bill, Record Vote No. 384, November 19, 1993, passed 94 to 5. Hutchison voted FOR that one. The final vote, Record Vote No. 295, August 25, 1994, after the House/Senate conference, passed 61 to 38. Hutchison voted AGAINST that one. I don't know what exactly was changed, but it appears to me that the AWB was part of the original bill.

Great piece. Hope he gets to read it personally.

Happen to have the e-address handy?



I saw that on his last vote. He "wrote" the original bill (he said in an email) so should be supporting it clean, but he's been shaky. His vote cancelled out Warner today. I truly do not understand Warner, and I let him know that - firm.

As for the amendment he wanted to tag on today - I agree with the subject. Doctors are really getting the shaft in these unreal suits. And they are paying through the nose for insurance. I've talked with four of them that I'm currently "seeing". They all seem not to want to elaborate, but do nod in agreement when asked how they continue to work under Medicare funding and insurance premiums.

But this subject should be it's own stand-alone or if ridered on something else - it should not be S. 1805 (although the "protection" of S. 1805 appears a logical host).

See you here manana.


I live with a pro gun doctor and know what you are talking about.

Some doctors aren't rich contrary to popular notions.....
Tomorrow's the day guys. Keep those calls and emails coming. I did my part today. I am in meetings all day tomorrow that will keep me offline. My prayer tonight is that when I logon tomorrow our voice will have been heard loud and clear and a CLEAN bill passed the Senate.
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