CZ Grip Choice

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Feb 9, 2007
After seeing a pic of some thing CZ grips this evening, it has peaked my interest in getting a set for one of my CZ's. I want to make my "smaller" hand fit better. Went to the CZ Custom website and looked at the thin alum grips. Nice. But like the thin coco grips better.

Who all offers thin cz grips? Do they make a difference? Mine sport the factory rubber right now.

Hakan Pek makes the best custom wood ones, if you can get them. Call Cz Custom, ans ask them, too - that's Angus shop, they do things right.
Anyone have experience with the CocoBolo grips from Angus?

He is listing full checkered and half checkered coco grips.
Not familiar with the grips from ANgus

I know a guy selling some thin coco bolo grips
for a 75B - is that the model you have?

He's in Clarkston - SE Washington State if you
want contact info. PM me.
I'm going to the range tomorrow and could
go take a look at them I shoot a 75B

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Yes, mine are 75B's. If you look, that would be good. What is he asking for them?
I'd check with CZ Custom to see how thin those wood grips are. The aluminums are 1.13" and the wood ones are listed at 1.42" which is the same as the factory grips.
Anyone have any of these grips out there that they could measure and give us some thickness dimensions?
I bought a set of wood (I think they were ash) grips on eBay for about $12, sanded them down to the thichness I wanted and sprayed them with Alumihide II from Brownells.

Nice feel and they've held up perfectly.

What a really fine CZ. Man, I really like the way you have your's set up, comp hammer, custom shop tactical sights, grips; that's the way I have mine set up (all 5 of my CZ's).

Well done;)
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