CZ Handguns


Jan 25, 2021
For some reason I’m itching for a steel frame CZ pistol. I think the Shadow 2 started this but then the 75 compact looks intriguing and then the 75 SP-01 tactical and then blah, blah, blah. So I guess I’m asking for feedback on these guns, likes, dislikes, why one model over another. I haven’t handled any yet but a little road trip is in order soon. I guess an little insight before I go shopping. I’m not even sure what I’ll use it for, to be determined. Wish the Shadow 2 compact had a steel frame.
For some reason I’m itching for a steel frame CZ pistol. I think the Shadow 2 started this but then the 75 compact looks intriguing and then the 75 SP-01 tactical and then blah, blah, blah. So I guess I’m asking for feedback on these guns, likes, dislikes, why one model over another. I haven’t handled any yet but a little road trip is in order soon. I guess an little insight before I go shopping. I’m not even sure what I’ll use it for, to be determined. Wish the Shadow 2 compact had a steel frame.
I have a pair of PCR's.

Like the steel CZ-75's as they are accurate and very durable. They fit larger hands better and the last stage of the trigger pull also pulls back the hammer a little before it breaks. Tad heavy for cc. Updated the trigger and put thin grips on the the compact pictured.


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i like the grips of the 75/85, sp01, pcr and p10c. less with the grips of S2 and 97B. the 97B has a very short leade and is ammo sensitive. haven't really noticed that with my 9mms though czs are known for this issue. used to have a 75 as well as a p10F.

I have 4 CZ guns all are really sweet shooters. P-01 Omega, SP-01 Tactical, P-07 and a Dan Wesson DWX Compact. All but the DWX are decocker SA/DA guns.
Will be picking up a P-09C Nocturne when my LGS gets one this week.
My experience with CZ pistols is once you break the ice and buy your first one you will be buying more they have a way of multiplying
CZ might own Dan Wesson, but they are built in different factories and in two different countries, using different materials and processes. Do you consider all Colts to be CZ’s as well?

They are many parent companies in the firearm’s industry.

I guess a Desert Eagle is a Kahr?
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The metal frames are great. BUT it’s very easy to spends lots of $$ to make some of the older model’s (75b, sp01) triggers better.

SP01 Shadow (w/ cgw mods) is my fave. Shadow2 is great too
I had a CZ75B for years before acquiring more. All steel models. All safety models. My favorite is SP01 Shadow. Shooting it in USPSA Limited Optics. Now carrying a CZ75B Compact. They are all great guns. All have been upgraded with Cajun, CZ custom or Apex parts. The exception is my Tac Sport with separate complete 9mm and 40 uppers.
CZ's are great!

Carried a CZ PCR for quite a few years, then Glock came out with the G48 and SA mags and it got relegated to range use.

But my CZ97B that I had hard chromed (slide, frame, barrel and controls), Cajunized, SA Trigger, SS Guide rod is a sweet shooter, my most accurate pistol.
I started with a Cz 75 SP-01. It feels great and shot very well stock. After a $70 Cajun Gun Works spring/firing pin install, it shoots fantastic.

I followed it up with a bunch of other 9mm 75 derivatives; 75P-01 Omega, 75D Compact, 75BD, and 75B; a 2075 RAMI, a Shadow 2 and a .45 ACP 97B. All but the Shadow 2 and 97B have G-10 grips, all but the S-2 have CGW spring upgrades, the SP-01 and S-2 also have a 10X barrel bushing installed.


The Shadow2 is one accurate gun in my hands. This is a full mag of 17 fired standing at 10 yds.


Great guns all, I am very happy shooting any of my CZ’s.

Stay safe.