CZ Handguns

I like the CZ pistols a LOT. The CZ's and the 1911's are my favorite service pistols. Funny thing is, I don't even own an actual CZ. Mine are all clones.

Great shooters. The steel ones were cheap, and the polymer ones were even cheaper. IIRC, I won the one in the first picture one for a bid of under $200.

I have some clones too, albeit they are a lot more pricey than CZ’s…

I have several CZ firearms. One is a CZ-75, ambi safety, in .40 S&W. It's very ammo-sensitive, and with some brands (especially Winchester "white box"), I experience frequent stove-piping. I did some research and apparently the solution is to:
A) remove the extractor and extractor spring, clean the extractor slot thoroughly, and check the spring to see if it needs replacement, then reassemble;
B) try different brands of ammo to see which ones will extract and eject properly.

The second I can do, the first is beyond my meager gunsmithing capability. The extractor is held in by a very small roll-pin, and it requires a very narrow punch (and a gunsmithing vise) to remove from the bolt. So, right now it's just a prisoner in my safe dungeon.
I have a CZ75 "pre B" and Kadet .22 conversion, a great outfit.
If you wanted to sponsor Team Mediocre to shoot something besides a 1911, it would be a CZ.

I once had a Tanfoglio, an odd thing with a compensator. Not equal to the CZ at the time, but I have seen favorable mention more recently.
P10C w/spare F slide.

All tuned at least a bit. I have a serious jones for a Shadow 2 Compact but the absence of FPB is holding me back for now. CZ's still seem to be the best guns a lot of folks don't know about.
I bought a CZ 82 for $180.00 with two magazines and. holster. After shooting it at 25 yards and putting all 12 rounds in the black, I bought six more. It also got me hooked on CZ's. My thinking was if a Military surplus can shoot this good what will a civilian model shoot like? The CZ P01 has been my carry gun for twenty years yielding only to the CZ 97b in cold weather. I have quite a few now with the latest being the CZ P-10C. The CZ's aren't cheap, but they are well worth the cost. The P-10C can be had for around $400.00 OTD. I have never owned a bad CZ! Buy one and you will be happy! IMG_3404.JPG IMG_3453.JPG IMG_0080.JPG IMG_1185.JPG IMG_1905.JPG
I have more CZ’s than I need, but that’s a common problem with this brand. I’ve got two CZ’s nobody’s mentioned, the Phantom. That model is a polymer SP-01. The original must have 3K or more rounds through it. A few years later CZ “reintroduced” it with a different polymer. I ought that from Cajun Gun Works with their full package. Both are great pistols.
I have a couple metal framed CZs, but I'll confess to utter confusion over their proliferation of models, with minor, or major variations.
Their feel is hard to beat.
Another CZ fan here.
Love my P10C and S. They don't give me the warm fuzzies that carefully machined metal does, and they don't feel like fine clockwork like a well-tuned 1911 or even CZ 75. But they are excellent tools. Everything Glock was aspiring for, IME. They work as well, look better, feel better, and shoot better subjectively, because they fit my hands instead of feeling like I'm trying to aim with a board.

My 75 is the Omega version. Very smooth trigger for out of the box, but I don't like it as much as a polished traditional 75 trigger. It doesn't have a positive break point, just the blondest hair of extra resistance, and then it fires. Entirely personal taste. It can be quick and it's excellent for the price if that's what you like. Probably technically better in avoiding developing a flinch. IMO it's fine, and worlds better than many other triggers, I just like that nice 'click' a little better.

I do like that it has a decocker unless I opt to swap it to a safety; it came with both. And newfangled trigger aside, it's all the durable efficiency of soviet design, with the added benefit of good modern manufacturing.
I have a cz75b that cured me of any desire to own more steel frame CZ's

At one time I compared the length from the backstrap of the cz75b grip to the face of the trigger and it was the longest of any of my handguns I owned at the time. With a normal grip I can barely touch the back of the trigger with the tip of my finger. Super awkward to shoot. Basically have to hold the gun sideways to reach the trigger.

Too bad because they are a well built gun with a nice trigger.
Just not for me.