Another CZ fan here.
Love my P10C and S. They don't give me the warm fuzzies that carefully machined metal does, and they don't feel like fine clockwork like a well-tuned 1911 or even CZ 75. But they are excellent tools. Everything Glock was aspiring for, IME. They work as well, look better, feel better, and shoot better subjectively, because they fit my hands instead of feeling like I'm trying to aim with a board.
My 75 is the Omega version. Very smooth trigger for out of the box, but I don't like it as much as a polished traditional 75 trigger. It doesn't have a positive break point, just the blondest hair of extra resistance, and then it fires. Entirely personal taste. It can be quick and it's excellent for the price if that's what you like. Probably technically better in avoiding developing a flinch. IMO it's fine, and worlds better than many other triggers, I just like that nice 'click' a little better.
I do like that it has a decocker unless I opt to swap it to a safety; it came with both. And newfangled trigger aside, it's all the durable efficiency of soviet design, with the added benefit of good modern manufacturing.