Daewoo DP51 9mm

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Jun 9, 2008
So. Fla
Have a chance to pick one up at a reasonable price.Good condition $250.00.
Shoots fine. accurate.
Any pros or cons?
I missed the part about Good condition. IF you have shot it personally and put a few mags through it and it shoots fine and is accurate id say 250 is reasonable deal but if you want a better quality you can easily pick up a sig used in good condition for around $375 it all depends on your budget what you want.
Daewoo made some really good guns, total opposite of their cars. Anyway $250 is a deal for a high capacity 9mm pistol, only problem is no customer support or parts if you break something, but $250.......
Good gun, good price. No worries. There is nothing at all wrong with them or the quality. Period. If you already have one or more double stack 9mm's, it will be redundant. But if you don't, this is an excellent, cheap way to get one. Most S&W 59-series magazines work in them or can be slightly modified to do so. I've shot a fair amount with a family member's and also a DH-40 (the same gun in .40 S&W). I actually keep meaning to keep an eye out for a cheap one.
If I could only retrieve my DP51C from my out-of-state son, who borrowed it: looks permanent....:) I love that sweet "tri-action"....
DaeWoo has been making firearms longer than cars.

DaeWoo also makes the firearms used by the ROK military.

The DaeWoo DP51 is the standard issue sidearm for the ROK military (However, recently ROK military special forces have replaced it with the Glock 19).

I would purchase a DaeWoo DP51 for $250.

It is accurate and reliable. I prefer it over the S&W metal framed pistols (Model 59/659/5906). I like the "tri-action" trigger system. It can use the S&W 59 series magazines (they stick out a little).

Importation of it stopped in the late-90s, so spare parts/service/support is virtually non-existant in the USA.
The Daewoo DP-51 was used,
But after a trip to the range....300 plus rounds, no jams or problems, even with reloads..........it's mine.
Sweeeeeeet little gun.
Love the trigger, decocker, and shoots on the money and it is clean I mean almost out of the box clean.
Thanks to all for your imput! What a great find!
if i were looking to save money, i'd get a used Keltec, or a HiPoint. you'd pay the same, or less.

I can only assume that you have never handled or shot the Daewoos to make this statement. The DP51, or DH40, are far, far superior pistols to the Keltec or Highpoint. The closest comparison would be to the S&W 59 series. The Daewoos normally sell from about $275 to $400 depending on condition and accessories.
usp9 said:
The closest comparison would be to the S&W 59 series.

The DaeWoo DP51 is far superior than the S&W Model 59xx series.

The Lone Haranguer said:
Good, because I've seen their cars.
DaeWoo has been making firearms longer than they have been making cars and electronics.

Quality and fit/finish on a DaeWoo firearm is on par with what S&W makes, but DaeWoo makes a more reliable than a S&W.
I wish I had never sold mine. It was a great gun with no issues. I sold it because it wasn't a "name" gun. I was a fool.
The South Korean military uses (used?) it as their sidarm for many years. I don't think they would use it if it didn't work.
I can only assume that you have never handled or shot the Daewoos to make this statement. The DP51, or DH40, are far, far superior pistols to the Keltec or Highpoint. The closest comparison would be to the S&W 59 series. The Daewoos normally sell from about $275 to $400 depending on condition and accessories.
you are correct, i've ever handled one. i only was suggesting other, affordable alternatives, since it seems to be the consensus that replacement parts are hard to come by, and customer service is non-existant. i didn't mean to slight their quality.
Had one a loooooong time ago. As I recall it was a well-built gun and never gave me any trouble. I, personally, couldn't shoot it worth a darn, neither could the guy I sold it to, nor the guy he sold it to. However, that guy's wife could put them in the X all day long. :confused:
Mag release snag

Hi all,

I've had my DP51 for 7+ years now, and even though it's not a mainstream firearm I have to admit that I am very happy with and fond of it. The frowns I get when mentioning that I own a Daewoo I just put down to ignorance.

The only niggle I've experienced with it has to do with the mag release. I was wondering whether anyone else have had a similar experience. With many holsters, the mag release button presses against the holster and releases the mag at inopportune times.

I have had a leather holster moulded to fit my sidearm, and that solved the problem. But I was hoping to get some advice on how to fix this problem permanently, maybe with some machining, in order to be able to use over the counter holsters without having this problem.

Or can one fit 'n stronger spring so the release mechanism to prevent too easy release?

I have the .40 S&W version of this weapon and I really enjoy it's feel and shooting it. The tri-action takes a little getting used to but otherwise it's really a nice piece. The only downside I have found is magazines. They seem to be harder to find for the .40. For $250 I would go for it.
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