Dear God, please protect my family...

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Lending Armed Police?


Didn't we once lend Britain thousands and thousands of firearms for their protection during trying times?

Didn't they then dump the lot of them into the English Channel rather than returning them?

So, if we send them armed police . . . can we expect the same result? Wouldn't it be a little over-the-top to dump several hundred armed police -- on loan, mind you -- into the channel when they're done with them?

I dunno. I'm not sure this is such a great idea.

Perhaps we could send them a few thousand lawyers?


life is short.......
Take no offense
What amazes me is that people look at those pictures.... and then "Pray to god" not to let it happen to them. Where was god in the first place? Did those people just not pray hard enough? Did they not pray to the right god?

If god were on top of this stuff we wouldn't need guns.....
When SHTF I will take myself and a Rugar over a Prayer and the Gov't any day!
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People need to stop being extream on both sides of the firearms issues. No less horribile is this insane news

The anti's are going to have a hard time with this one, isn't it the liberal media anti gun people that scream that only the Police are experts and should be the only ones to handle / be around guns?

Dear god, a full auto UZI is not a toy. I will do my best to not put myself in the dad's position of witnessing his sons death.
Support permissive concealed carry laws, because some day it may save the life of someone YOU love.

Get involved and do all you can to educate people about firearms. Then vote the anti's out of office. With the economy as bad as it is (and it will get worse), now, if any, is the time to be prepared to protect yourself and your loved ones. Crime will only increase and the police will not be able to handle it. It would not surprise me one bit if the National Guard will be necessary and curfews imposed.
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