My experiences with the bleat calls, rattling horns and grunt calls is similar to calling turkeys. Sometimes they work great, other times they seem to scare 'em off. Younger animals are easier to call, while those that have been called a few times get real suspicious. Used at the right time, sparingly, they can be a great asset. Used too much and too early, is like burning out your stand. Like with turkeys, numbers and buck/doe ratios are influential. Like with turkeys, a buck locked up with a doe ain't gonna come to nuttin'. During the peak of rut....anything and everything works. I've had bucks come running in to the scraping noise of my climbing treestand and just the walking thru the leaves on the way in. Again, like with attractant scents, use at the proper times and sparingly. Mature deer will most always come in from downwind, because that's how they pinpoint whether the animal making that sound is still there or exactly where it is. Best thing to do is setup so they have to come in from a crosswind.