Denver Bans Pitbulls

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Jul 22, 2003
Okay, a little stretch as to make it gun related, but I did notice something peculiar. Here's the link:

The thing I found so disconcerting is this:

Pit bull typically describes three kinds of dogs — the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. But Denver's ban applies to any dog that looks like a pit bull. The animal's actual behavior does not matter.

Interesting. Disturbing. I don't know which.

Aparently, dog owners are now in the same boat as gun owners. As long as their dog might resemble a pitbull, the dog can be impounded and destroyed. Feels familiar. Kind of like if your gun looks like a full auto military weapon... :eek:

Does this mean that any dog that has some pitbull-ish characteristics is now subject to siezure? Yes. Can we trust our fellow citizens, police, and animal control officers to judge what is a pitbull based on certain visual cues? No. The reason? People are generally incompetent and misinformed. Just as a large magazine and bayonet mount don't magically transform a semi-automatic rifle into a millitary assault weapon, a stocky build and bluntish muzzle doesn't transform a dog into a pitbull, let alone one trained/raised to attack and kill.

Score one for Big Brother, Denver. Good job. :barf:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

What looks like a pitbull to some will look like something else to others. That useless elected officials wasted our taxpayer money on this is what makes me ill. Let's ban sharks in the ocean and grizzly bears while we're at it!
But let's not ban grizzly bears in the ocean. I think that would just be coooool!

Dog bans are absurd. Those who legislate them are incompetent, and should be charged with misfeasance.

Anyone should be able to understand that if pit bull dogs are mauling people, but NOT ALL pit bull dogs are mauling people, then the issue is how the human masters of the dogs are breeding and training them.

If they ban pit bulls, and someone starts training sweet adorable black labrador retrievers to be vicious attack dogs -- entirely possible -- then what, they'll ban black labs too?

Someone should find out what kind of dogs the city council favors, breed a whole slew of them to be vicious, and then sic them on the public. After a few horrible attacks, the public will clamor for the confiscation and destruction of the council members' dogs.

The logic at work here is that there is ALWAYS a "number one killer." If the top killer breeds are 1) pit bulls 2) mastiffs 3) rottweilers 4) doberman pinschers, and we banned and eliminated pitbulls, the others would each move up a step. Then it would be time to ban mastiffs, and so on??! :banghead:

What if somebody mistakes a phrench poodle for a pittbull and has fluffy put to death at the animal shelter?
Sorry to say

But us dog owners have been fighting this stuff for years (That's why all my dogs are mixed-breeds,although they look ALOT like German Shepherds :D )...The good news is that these breed-specific laws have been TOSSED out many, many times.. The American Dog Owners Association (ADOA) is the dog equivalent of the NRA...

What's worse is that its near impossible to get homowners insurance if you have certain breeds of dog....I currently pay 4 times what I would otherwise pay, simply because of the dogs...
"...the public will clamor for the confiscation and destruction of the council members' dogs."

When will they start calling for the destruction of the council members? That might actually be the better solution.
Yup, makes about as much sense as the AWB crap based on 'cosmetic features' - "well, uh, well, uh, it looks "evil"", So, who's calling yer dog ugly? :barf: :banghead: :fire:

Morons. Dog control makes no more sense than gun control, until you go after those who are responsible for the 'control' part. It ain't that hard :banghead:
I'm glad to hear Denver is taking this proactive step to prevent the cycle of assault dog violence. My question for the Denver Central Committee though, is what does a pitbull look like? Take the test for yourself, it's harder than you might think: Find The Pitbull!
Yep, i heard about this. Its total f'ing bullcrap.

Just becuase a few morons and fools trained their dogs and hurt them, and the dogs in turn hurt people, all good trained and mannered pitbulls have to be uthenized!!! ***?
So many choice lines...

"I'm the only one in this room professional enough to walk a pitbull... Oww! Get off my leg!"

"If it only saves one puppy..."

"Is that a preban dog?"
Someone (uniformed or not) shows up at MY door to take a member of MY family to be executed when they have committed no crime will be met with lethal force. :fire:

Thankfully down here in Colorado Springs we've got more sense then Denver ... that and I don't expect to see Corgis rounded up anytime soon. :p
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