Dianne Feinstein to Propose New Ban On So-Called "Assault Weapons" Today at 11am EDT

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I'm curious if these people have seen how fast you can fire a pump-action, because there are pump-action shotguns with a very high capacity. Would the semi-auto with the rotating tubes be banned? It only holds 4 per tube. Although they are technically supposed to be detachable.

Factor in a "high cap" ban (which I'm assuming is included) and pretty much every weapon I have except for my Ruger LCP and my pump-action shotgun would be banned. Funny thing is these are my two least-favorite firearms.
Beat them with the facts and let them look like the foolish ones with their emotional rants

Sure, they'll look foolish... to us, and those who think like us. Most people are fickle and given to emotionally-based decisions. That's why, even though we are the logical side of the argument and must present ourselves as such, it can't hurt to make ourselves appear less cold by appealing to the emotionalism of the debate ourselves (sans the ranting, of course).
man, I would really like to augment my collection with the goodies they had at her little show. Every citizen should have the option of a free weapon of their choice from that display as a thank you for paying so many taxes for so long. Channel it through the CMP.
Well, the news out new is that Harry Reid managed to get the proposed "nuclear option" that had been mulled in the senate, cut back to nearly nothing. NO nuclear option will be available to senate Democrats to ram-rod gun legislation through the senate.

This is a huge plus for us, as the nuclear option would have been used most certainly almost immediately against any attempt to filibuster a new AWB or anything else along those lines. That would only require 51 votes, which had us in a very nasty spot.

Now, with the filibuster (rightly) preserved, they will need every damn vote to try and rob Americans of their rights.

Great news
Sorry, I'm unfamiliar with that term, could you explain what is meant by 'nuclear option'?
I believe it was the option where the Senate can just say "let's not talk about the bill, and go ahead and vote."
In U.S. politics, the "nuclear option" is a filibuster-reform plan for the majority party in the United States Senate to change Senate precedents without a supermajority. This option is said to allow a simple majority to override the rules of the Senate and end a filibuster or other delaying tactic. In contrast, the cloture rule requires a supermajority of 60 votes (out of 100) to end a filibuster. The new interpretation becomes effective, both for the immediate circumstance and as a precedent, if it is upheld by a majority vote.
Is it just me, or does Diane Feinstein:
Look like Pink Floyd's Mother?
I wonder if she was the inspiration for the band...

Of course the intent of this post is to show a clearer view of the wall of "assault weapons"
Folks, make no mistake. This is war. She has been waiting for this forever, just like the witch waiting for that little dog Toto. Logic, reason, and history are OUR weapons, but they are not hers. Her weapons are emotion and fear. Guess what. Emotion and fear often rule the day. They ARE effective weapons. We must not let this happen. Our legislative process is slow and painstaking for a reason, because our founders KNEW that people are basically emotionally driven. We need to keep this "ponderousness" working to our advantage. Educate, donate, and keep fighting against this fascist junk!
In U.S. politics, the "nuclear option" is a filibuster-reform plan for the majority party in the United States Senate to change Senate precedents without a supermajority. This option is said to allow a simple majority to override the rules of the Senate and end a filibuster or other delaying tactic. In contrast, the cloture rule requires a supermajority of 60 votes (out of 100) to end a filibuster. The new interpretation becomes effective, both for the immediate circumstance and as a precedent, if it is upheld by a majority vote.
I see. That's definitely a Good Thing then.
"Channel it through the CMP."

Shhhhh! If this becomes widely known, it's dead. Oh the irony of the government selling semi-automatic "killing machines" while simultaneously trying to ban them.

After putting it off for years, I just ordered my M1 Garand in anticipation of the possibility of CMP being shut down.

With Harry Reid backing off support on her idiotic AWB, and even uber-liberal Al Franken dodging the issue, I think this has very little chance of passing. I'm far more worried about the 24 brain dead bills introduced in my home state of NJ.

Can anyone get a look a the full law? One thing I've been wondering about is what this will mean for fifty caliber rifles. 50 cals aren't assault weapons, and they have small magazines by necessity because the rounds are so huge. If anything outguns the cops, it would be one of these.

Heck, for resisting government tyranny it's one of the best tools in the shed, right? .50 rounds will go through most armor, cover, body armor, etc. And the range is excellent - most or all of the world records for sniping were done with BMG 50.
If "they" are calling these rifles "weapons of mass destruction", I guess that Bush was right with respect to Iraq and Saddam......chris3
Ok, just found the full law. OUCH. I'm not at all surprised, both of the Barrett 50 cals are SPECIFICALLY mentioned. Barrett M107A1; Barrett M82A1;

What is NOT mentioned are 50 cals from other manufacturers.

And, in the text of the bill : The legislation excludes the following weapons from the bill: Any firearm manually operated by a bolt, pump, lever or slide action;

The Barrett M95 is NOT mentioned, and appears to be legal. I'm not certain if there's any real effective difference in firepower between the bolt and semi versions for this rifle, with the enormous recoil and the fact that it probably won't take more than 1 shot per target.

Another fact. Ammo magazines have no serial numbers. They are easy to make using 3d printing. In practice it sounds like you could print up a new magazine, or replace the spring on an old one, and use it. How would they ever prove otherwise? (especially if you just kept replacing the spring on a grandfathered 30 round magazine)
She's from California. Her last AWB was her test lab, and she's going for broke this time. The scary part is she learned from the last bill what works and what doesn't. Like a fricking velociraptor! She is ensuring she doesn't make the same mistakes as last time: no sunset, no bullet buttons, etc. Scary stuff....
No, she hasn't learned from last time.
If she had, she would know that AWB's have absolutely no positive effect on crime whatsoever.
She's from California. Her last AWB was her test lab, and she's going for broke this time. The scary part is she learned from the last bill what works and what doesn't. Like a fricking velociraptor! She is ensuring she doesn't make the same mistakes as last time: no sunset, no bullet buttons, etc. Scary stuff....
What exactly "worked" from the last one? It didn't make any noticeable difference on crime.
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