Difference between scopes?

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Nov 3, 2012
This may be in the wrong thread but I'm looking to learn the difference between rifle scopes and pistol scopes and if there are scopes that worm for both. Why is it scopes for rifles must be so close to your face but pistol scopes so far?

I'm also looking to put a s open on a berretta u22, so nothing fancy. Any suggestions for a inexpensive s open that will do the job to play at the range?
The scope being close to your eye gives you a better field of view I believe and is all around the more ideal situation. The eye relief (how far the scope is from your eye) for a rifle scope is typically 3-4". With a pistol scope it will be much farther away (12" ?) since you hold the pistol away from your body. Because of the eye relief being set for far away, a pistol scope would not work good on a rifle unless mounted far up on the barrel which is not ideal.
The scope being close to your eye gives you a better field of view I believe and is all around the more ideal situation. The eye relief (how far the scope is from your eye) for a rifle scope is typically 3-4". With a pistol scope it will be much farther away (12" ?) since you hold the pistol away from your body. Because of the eye relief being set for far away, a pistol scope would not work good on a rifle unless mounted far up on the barrel which is not ideal.

The berretta u22 is a pistol that I want to out a scope on.
Youll need a pistol scope. http://ads.midwayusa.com/product/62...G2PQHpeH8qsghH4X8NK2Iest6fMpuLt_68aArhL8P8HAQ
Thats the cheapest I'd suggest, it comes in black as well. I have one on my contender and its almost not enough eye relief for my longish arms.

The major difference between a pistol and rifles scope, is the eye relief.

Eye relief basically means the distance from your sighting eye at which you can see a full picture thru the scope.

Rifle scopes will be 3-5" usually.

Pistol scopes will be anywhere from about 14-19"

There is a third class of scopes called intermediate eye relief scopes or scout scopes, these have a 7-12" eye relief and are ment to be mounted forward on a rifle. Like the steyr scout. They are neither functional as standard rifle scopes or pistol scopes.

Now theres exceptions to the rules, but generally you wont see anyone using a pistol scope on a rifle (out side of a scout mount), or a rifle scope on a pistol (tho ive seen it done, both by guys who know what they are doing, and guys who have no clue).
For your first pistol scope, I recommend nothing greater than 2x.

4x and above are very hard to keep still on a target unsupported.

I have a Neos and have tried red dots, a black version of that 4x Simmons, and a 2x. My favorite economy red dot on the Neos is the Bushnell TRS-25. Eye relief is unlimited on most red dots, so they work good on pistols and rifles.

The 4x scope was only usable for me with some sort of gun support. The 2x scope is much easier to shoot than the 4x if just holding with your hands. The red dot is much easier to shoot with on a gun like the Neos, IMO.
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How do you plan to shoot your pistol? If close quarters, no need for magnification. Will it be used dusk to dawn? You need a positive sight picture with both eyes open. So magnification is not your friend. Dot or illuminated reticle may be needed ...

Hunting with a hand rest? OK on some magnification as it will be steadier. But pistol ranges are not great, so why scope for a 100 yds, when all you prolly need is 50 ...
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