differnce in presses- Lee classic vs lee turret

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Jun 18, 2007
Three hole turret press vs four hole turret press. The pictures show two versions of the same basic press. The biggest difference is in the turret. With so many loads working much better with a separate bullet seating die and factory crimp die, I would go with the four hole press. I have the three hole, and while it works well for the most part, if I were going to buy a Lee today it would be the 4 hole version.

It would serve you well to shop around for the best prices. Lee themselves are NOT the best price usually.
"...The pictures show two versions of the same basic press."

Sorry, Grandpa, look closer: The first is the new Classic Cast Turret, shown in its 4-hole version, and the second is the standard (Lee) Turret, shown in its original 3-hole version.

I use a standard Turret, updated to 4-die configuration and with a Safety Prime, for my load development work--but I only load pistol ammo and .223 on it. Like Grandpa Shooter, were I buying again today, I would buy the Classic Cast.

And, FWIW, pricing will probably be best from Kempf's or Graf's.

Jim H.
Sorry, Grandpa, look closer: The first is the new Classic Cast Turret, shown in its 4-hole version, and the second is the standard (Lee) Turret, shown in its original 3-hole version.

OOps! Old age and bad eyes. Sorry!
There a couple of major differences between the older Lee turret (wether it's a 3 or 4 hole version) and the newer Lee Classic Turret.

Here's a list:

1. The Lee Classic turret(#90064) has a hollow ram that allows primer disposal through a flexible plastic hose attached to the bottom of the ram. This allows you to route the plastic hose to a coffee can for disposing of old primers. Keeps the press really clean of primers and primer waste (a very good thing). The older Lee Turrets (#90932 used for comparison) does not have this very desirable feature.

2. The Lee Classic Turret (#90064) has a cast iron base, steel rod supports and a steel top. The older Lee Turrets (#90932 used for comparison) do not have these very desirable feature (It is mostly aluminum, including the operating handle.) and are not nearly as strong mechanically. Therefore, the Lee Classic Turret is a much more durable press and is also capable of sizing "tougher" brass much more easily.

3. The Lee Classic Turret (#90064) has an excellent and very rugged operating linkage very similar to an RCBS Rock Chucker. This linkage performs as well as the Rock Chucker's linkage, but also has an ergonomic adjustment. The older Lee Turrets (#90932 used for comparison) do not have this very desirable feature (They have a linkage similar to Lee's aluminum O-frame press that is not know for it's ruggedness.) and are not nearly as strong mechanically. Therefore, the Lee Classic Turret linkage is capable of much smoother operation and adjustments.

4. The cast iron base of the Lee Classic Turret (#90064) has been designed to be extremely stable when bolted down (note the locations of the bolt holes, which in operation offset the the force of the handle). The older Lee Turrets (#90932 used for comparison) do not have this very desirable feature.

5. Finally while all Lee Turret presses can be set up with the Safety Prime system, the Lee Classic turret (#90064) was designed from the ground up to use the Safety Prime and it operates with few to no glitches on the Lee Classic Turret. The older Lee Turrets (#90932 used for comparison) were not designed for this very desirable feature and while they can be adapted for the Safety Prime, they do not operate as smoothly as the Lee Classic Turret.

So what's the bottom line?

The Lee Classic Turret (#90064) is the better press and very much worth the difference in cost. I own one and had it been available when I first got into reloading many years ago and had I the sense to buy it, I probably would have only needed it and the Lee Classic single stage to do all the reloading tasks I've needed over the years.

I hope this helps,

I started with the regular Lee turret but the Lee classic cast turret is much better. Other nice features are that the indexing is smoother and the handle length can be adjusted to some extent. I don't miss sweeping up all the primers with the regular Lee turret. Cabela's also has a kit. - Phil
Unsolicited endorsement: Thanks to credit-card theft, there was some confusion with my order from Kempf. I spoke and emailed with Sue Kempf, and send a check instead. She sent the press after our communications (I don't remember the exact order of operations here, but I explained that the credit card I'd just used to order from her had to be canceled because of fraudulent use), even though I'd only just sent her the check. I suspect I got my press before she even had my money. Wow! Try finding that attitude in Philadelphia ;) Polite, friendly, and a great price on it.

I got the Lee Classic Cast, the one being praised so highly in the above comments, and my experience with Kempf was heartening -- I recommend them as going beyond the norm in their treatment of customers, even new ones with hinky-sounding check-is-in-the-mail stories :)

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