Do front sights get in the way of optics?

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Mar 7, 2005
I'm sure this must have been asked already, but I can't find it searching.

- If you have a flat-top upper and fixed front sights on the barrel, do the front sights inhibit the use of optics, like scopes?
You wont see the front sight, while looking through the scope/optical device. Go ahead and use it, and dont worry about the little amount of "available light" the front sight is obscuring, or any of that other trivial stuff!
i would think the ability to co-witness the iron sights would be beneficial in a defensive arena. if your optic goes kaput, you wont have take it off to continue aiming.

-this applies to non-maginfying optics
It depends on the distance between the objective and the scope and the magnification of the scope. In most cases it isn't an issue since the focal length of higher magnification scopes is beyond the front sight. In most cases, all you will see is a faint shadow if anything.
With the 4x ACOGs you will see a slight black blur on the bottom of the picture, but only if you look for it.
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