DOJ gives new tools to ATF on guns - "Border states" to report assault weapons sales

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Moderator Emeritus
Jul 28, 2005
Lewisberry, PA
So, does this mean that the dealers still have to report the sale if the BATFE ordered them to sell the rifles to the drug cartel members? Or do they just have to report the ones the ATF didn't instruct them to sell?


By Mike Lillis - 07/11/11 08:22 PM ET
The Obama administration on Monday granted new powers to federal regulators fighting gun traffickers on the violence-plagued Mexican border.

Issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ), the new rules require border-state gun dealers to report bulk purchases of assault weapons made by individual buyers over short spans of time — a tool requested in December by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
This is really going to stop the drug cartels from obtaining guns, because buying them from local retailers is the only source they have. Absolutely none of them will think of making purchases through straw buyers from dealers outside the border areas. :rolleyes:

And if they do, they haven't got any way to transport them from the place of purchase to the border... :scrutiny:

And since 100% of these evil guns come from U.S. retailers, they won't be able to get any more...

I feel so much better - just warm and fuzzy all over. :banghead:
I'm actually surprised King Obama didn't go further. Seems like they just came out and made clear what they are already doing. A few members here have had a visit from the Feds after purchasing multiple rifles.

I love that .22s are out, no one ever uses them in a crime anyway right?

I'm warm and fuzzy that it's only the border states....criminals would never go north now would they?!
This isn't a simple caught with their pants down job. I am positive as the 2 gun limit on border states suggests to me that drawing attention to firearms period will turn around on us in spite of their mistakes. The nuts are the loudest and the squeaky wheel gets the grease, rather more restrictions on gun owners. This will misdirect people from the blunder right back to guns and the need to abolish them. With Mexico involved the administration will, in my opinion attempt to go along with the proposed worldwide ban on small arms proposed by the UN ,or rather on us. Their objective is very clear, another England, Australia or Germany in the mid 30s.
This is the same thing that's been shot down repeatedly congress, And I do believe that presidential orders only go so far as the ARE NOT challenged. I hope the NRA will torpedo this one so it goes back to congress where it can be kicked around like the usual token 'gun control' legislation.

Sides that, I thought that it wasn't cool for the Feds to only apply laws to one part of the country and not the rest.
So does this exempt ARs? Or are they actually claiming those aren't 22 caliber?
I beleive this is the administration trying to draw attention away from the Gun Walker investigation. I'd better shut up before I get banned for being too "politcal.":rolleyes:
This is just a way to divert attention from the massive screw up. Somehow they'll say this could have prevented the Fast & Furious Gun from going missing and everyone will feel better about it and forget that the principle behind the whole scheme was horrible to begin with.

Smoke and mirrors.
Pretty pointless to me, its so easy to get around it. Just buy one rifle, wait 6 days and buy another. This idiotic measure won't do anything. Its a felony for someone with a known criminal record to attempt a purchase at a gun store anyway. It'd be nice if they would enforce that law.
Does anyone else see the irony in tracking multiple "assault weapons" purchases in California, where the buying of new (or even used) high capacity magazines and centerfire rifles that have both pistol grips and can take detachable magazines has been banned for the last eleven years?

Another reason that the idea of an "iron river" of American guns going to Mexico is hogwash.
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It's just a smokescreen to get everyone to stop yelling at the ATF for the epic cockup. The initiative isn't going to do much except for get some antigun people to have wet dreams and warm fuzzies.
I don't think gun runner was a massive screw up. I think it was a calculated, pre-planned action to demonize gun owners. It ended up as murder and treason. What are we up to now? 2 or 3 dead border patrol agents? Not to mention all the Mexicans the cartels have killed.

The outcry from gun owners alone should be shutting down congressional switch boards.
I don't think gun runner was a massive screw up. I think it was a calculated, pre-planned action to demonize gun owners.

Ya think? :scrutiny:

Mark Chait - Assistant Director in Charge of Field Operations
William McMahon - Deputy Assistant Director for Field Operations
William D. Newell - Special Agent In Charge Phoenix Field Division
Two guns in 5 days or bulk ammo purchase gets a suspicious activities report and a possible visit from Ice, BATF, and Boarder Patrol. Used to not be requested but now we have to supply our phone number when a weapon is picked up from the FFL. I guess I will find out soon; I ordered two shotguns online at the same time for a $50 discount .....
Have the House Republicans introduced any legislation to prohibit this? They have known this was coming and they could have headed it off at the pass. All they have to do is pass legislation forbidding the use of federal funds on enforcement.
Have the House Republicans introduced any legislation to prohibit this? They have known this was coming and they could have headed it off at the pass. All they have to do is pass legislation forbidding the use of federal funds on enforcement.

Heck, it was my understanding that the house had to pass a law to allow this, and if the DOJ or ATF just orders it then it's illegal, and there should be a law suit immediately. Or am I wrong?
since the ATF is not a border state, do they still have to report when they sell guns to mexican crimnals too?

oh wait......never mind, it doesnt apply to them.
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