Don't bring butterfingers to a gunfight...

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Most of me feels like this was staged between friends with an airsoft gun...

however, if it is indeed real, i must commend the clerk on his reflexes!

either way it was ridiculous and entertaining...
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ho ho ho ho ho! He he he he he he he he! (cough splutter spit)
Sorry guys, just had a junior moment.:rolleyes:
I used to go on failblog quite a bit. Failbook is a good one too.
Now I pretty much just stick with consumerist for my news and THR of course :)
That clerk doesn't even look up from the counter -- until the "bad guy" is heading for the door. Unless this is an example of an extremely lucky clerk/extremely unlucky crook, it looks very staged to me.
I'm not sure which is sadder - fumbling the gun, or actually thinking you can live day to day, $40 at a time, robbing convenience stores... :eek:
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