Driving to Phoenix

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Sep 22, 2007
I am driving down to Phoenix next week from the Salt Lake area, and I have my Utah carry permit. Does Arizona have reciprocy with Utah? If so is there anything I should know before taking a gun into Arizona?
I'm pretty sure that AZ is now a "constitutional" carry state. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone, but I'm sure this means that anyone who can legally own a handgun can carry it concealed. There's also a website that shows you all of the current CCW state reciprocity. I can't give you the link because I'm on my phone. Use your Google-Fu (I'm pretty sure the URL ends in .us). Enjoy Phoenix!
and don't speed!!!

no professional courtesies to other cops means John Q. Citizen can forget about a warning in most cases (speaking from experience)
Arizona honors ALL other states' permits. You're good to go here. In Arizona, it's perfectly legal to drive with a gun on your side if you're permitted, and can have a holstered gun under the seat even if you're not. Carry away. Arizona is probably the most free and laid-back state with regards to gun laws. And feel free to ignore the "no guns" signs on any businesses. The worst they can do is ask you to leave. It's only if you then refuse that there's a problem. The signs only carry force of law so much as a statement of policy. It's a trespassing ordinance; they have to ask you to leave before you can be in violation.
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Except in places that serve open alcohol, then you are in violation. No permit required to carry open or concealed. Enjoy your stay in AZ! Don't forget to visit Ben Avery Shooting Range on the north side of the Phoenix area.
Actually that's not even true anymore. With any valid permit, you can carry but not drink, even in places that serve alcohol. As for Ben Avery, avoid it. The employees there have turned into real jerks. Go to the Rio Salado Sportsmans Club in Mesa instead.
In case you haven't noticed, a bunch of posts just disappeared.

Dunno how some of y'all managed to take a simple question and turn it into yet another debate over concealed carry vs property rights, but you did. That debate has nothing to do with the OP, and frankly some of y'all were taking it way too personally and were moments from being given a timeout for being overly aggressive.

So let's not do that.
By the way, If you are taking I-15 down through Vegas to go to Phoenix (like I am in a few days) keep in mind that a Utah permit is not valid in Nevada.
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