"Dude, I think you're printing"

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Feb 5, 2010
It's amazing how a phrase changes in meaning depending on what sub-cultures you are into.

I was at the library doing a little research, and carrying legally. I had a bunch of tabs open and was printing selected pages out of a number of tabs.

I wasn't paying much attention to where my pages were coming out, and there were a lot of printers around. I wasn't getting up very quickly to go get them, as I had more to print, and it wasn't crowded.

Guy sheepishly walks over and says "Dude....I think you're printing." I checked my right hip and the tuck was good. No printing. I respond, "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Aren't these your pages?" Ah! The light bulb comes on, and I go get my stuff. He had no idea why I was so confused.

I'm a little scatterbrained, and even the context of me printing pages in a library didn't clue me in that 'printing' had more than one definition.
I had a guy in line at Subway once ask me, "Hey man, how's your hand writing?"....

I thought, "***?" and responded with, "umm, Okay I guess, why do you ask?".....
He: "Well, all I can say is you're printing pretty badly."

and he was right! the butt of my j frame was hanging out of my pocket....
Ahhhh, yes.....

I was open carrying in an auto parts store looking for a quick drain oil drain plug for a vehicle. The guy starts looking up the bolt and glances over the counter and says, "Are you loaded?"

I replied, "Well, yes, it wouldn't be much good if it wasn't loaded..."

He says, "No... I mean your wallet, this damn bolt is 42 bucks!"
When one of my employees was standing behind me, reaches over and grabs one of my Kydex belt hooks and asks,

"What's this on your belt? ... Are you carrying?"

well... my story doesn't have a double entendre like the stories above.:eek:
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Hook on the Belt?

Tell them it's for your leg-bag( urostomy bag for pee) then tell 'em it's none of their business.
Tell them it's for your leg-bag( urostomy bag for pee) then tell 'em it's none of their business.

LOL LOL!!!!!!! I LIKE THIS...... That will get them running away ;)!
I was at work the other day discussing my new iphone with a couple of the young tech-gurus I and asked where people carry them, (because I'm used to a flip-phone that can be closed and therefore withstand a lot of pocket-abuse).

"An empty front pants pocket" was their answer, and as I explained that I like to carry my wallet in my left-front pants-pocket, one of them asked, "well what's that in your right front pants pocket?"... ...while pointing at the outline of my LCP in it's square leather wallet-holster.

"It's my Journal", I answered.

He looked at me like "What's a journal?"

"A book."

Blank stare.

"...that I write in", I continued.



I had someone ask about my leather ammo pouch for my j-frame once.

I told them I had heavy lead exposure when I was younger, and have to keep medicine around for it.

not very funny, but then again its not exactly a lie ;) the medicine is just making sure I don't run out of ammunition
It's amazing how a phrase changes in meaning depending on what sub-cultures you are into.

I was at the library doing a little research, and carrying legally. I had a bunch of tabs open and was printing selected pages out of a number of tabs.

I wasn't paying much attention to where my pages were coming out, and there were a lot of printers around. I wasn't getting up very quickly to go get them, as I had more to print, and it wasn't crowded.

Guy sheepishly walks over and says "Dude....I think you're printing." I checked my right hip and the tuck was good. No printing. I respond, "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Aren't these your pages?" Ah! The light bulb comes on, and I go get my stuff. He had no idea why I was so confused.

I'm a little scatterbrained, and even the context of me printing pages in a library didn't clue me in that 'printing' had more than one definition.
There are several words like printing with dual meanings. Another is telegraphing. In woodworking lingo, telegraphing means that the substrate material is showing through or telegraphing through a thin veneer or a laminate material. It is usually noticeable on a vertical surface. It is similar to printing, as in gun printing but not as pronounced.
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