Hey, that's actually a solid idea! I have a friend who recently bought his first gun, he doesn't have ammo yet..Could make a nice gift.
Especially if the can was FILLED with ammo.
I may or may not heavily inspire his birthday gift on this..
Hey, that's actually a solid idea! I have a friend who recently bought his first gun, he doesn't have ammo yet..Could make a nice gift.
Especially if the can was FILLED with ammo.
Obviously I knew there was not a market for black market cans. It was a joke alluding to filing a serial number off something stolen to resale. But someone ratted me to the mods over it. It was just a joke, that I thought was obvious. I don't understand why someone would snitch over that. They must have zero sense of humor, and live a lily perfect life, working with woman in an office. That was a joke, if I need to explain that too.You're tilting windmills here.
Nobody has said anything about black market thieves or anyone wiping anything.
Cans last longer than the ammo stored in them, so when I use up a certain load, I change the label. I can - me, the owner, not some black market pirate - wipe away the data which was written in marker, leaving behind the etched template ready to be refilled with new data for the new contents.
I don't want your stickers - you need to get over it.
As I said labels for me are a quick way to identify the can. I have labels inside the can for the ammo. But when I put a label, or duct tape and sharpie it can also be removed easily because as you say the can can be used for something else. As you said you want to do too.
Blue tape comes off easilyNice but I like to keep my ammo cans simple. Sometimes they don't have ammo. I just use some cloth or heavy masking tape and a sharpie for a label. Easy to change or remove.
Yup but I,m lazy. I just put a new piece over whats already on the can. I'll remove it when it looks like a scab. WD40 takes it off.Blue tape comes off easily