Engraved ammo cans

You're tilting windmills here.

Nobody has said anything about black market thieves or anyone wiping anything.

Cans last longer than the ammo stored in them, so when I use up a certain load, I change the label. I can - me, the owner, not some black market pirate - wipe away the data which was written in marker, leaving behind the etched template ready to be refilled with new data for the new contents.

I don't want your stickers - you need to get over it.
Obviously I knew there was not a market for black market cans. It was a joke alluding to filing a serial number off something stolen to resale. But someone ratted me to the mods over it. It was just a joke, that I thought was obvious. I don't understand why someone would snitch over that. They must have zero sense of humor, and live a lily perfect life, working with woman in an office. That was a joke, if I need to explain that too.

As I said labels for me are a quick way to identify the can. I have labels inside the can for the ammo. But when I put a label, or duct tape and sharpie it can also be removed easily because as you say the can can be used for something else. As you said you want to do too.

But with the laser eteched can, it can only used for the handful of ammo eteched on it. My labels are for caliber and bullet. I also I don't think I load for what is on the laser etched boxes.
Not even worth talking costs to have someone engrave the can.
As I said labels for me are a quick way to identify the can. I have labels inside the can for the ammo. But when I put a label, or duct tape and sharpie it can also be removed easily because as you say the can can be used for something else. As you said you want to do too.

@Berserker I think you and @Varminterror are describing two different things. I think you are referring to the image below - specifically the can on the far right, saying it doe not make sense to you for your needs.

What I am reading of @Varminterror - he is describing the following being etched: Caliber____, Bullet____, Powder____, Load Date____, and etc. More the detail you would see in a reloader’s diary than simply a selection of calibers like pictured. All the attributes laser etched, and the blanks filled in as appropriately. Get done with one batch, wipe it clean, and fill it in with an another…

(EDIT) or it could be for new ammo: Manufacturer____, Bullet____, Caliber____, etc. Same deal, fill in the blanks, and wipe clean when empty and trying to reuse….

Both make a lot of sense, just two different directions…

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On the post-it notes I put on my ammo cans, I write what caliber is in it, how many rounds, weather there is spare magazines or stripper clips.
The amount changes from a range trip, or that last minute gift for a brother in law.
I use a large paint pen to number each of my ammo cans.

I keep an inventory of what's inside each ammo can so all I have to do is look at the list then fetch and open the right ammo can.
Spend spend spend, I thought we were going to spend less and shoot more this year.
Yellow paint pen on OD ammo can.

I like the ability to relabel, the laser is just too permanent.
okay they look good.

However I get the same result using a silver Sharpie to identify the contents.

Going to use it for something else? Alcohol or a Scotch Brite with detergent will take it off.
Painters tape is my go to. Cheap, easy to change and cans can be switched to any caliber.
I purchased some of the 1/2 size magnet labels. I like them. Worked out well for my ammo cans.
I think I saw some of thse over in West Knoxville at "Painted Tree" .