Ever get mistaken for gun range/store staff?

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Moonclip wrote:
I do notice that when dressed well you get much better attention/attitudes in public but is there a mode of dress that screams "gun nut"? I guess fanny packs and vests and cammies sort of do but I wear none of that.

Some of you guys probably also spend so much time at your favorite gun shop/range too that people assume you are on the payroll but this was my first time ever at that range.

Well, I don't get mistaken for a cop or anything. My mode of dress- post1948 cowboy (but, skip the '70's)- doesn't scream "gun nut" although I don't change much about my clothes to shoot or hunt. It's gotten so that when I lay hand to a gun, folks figure I know how to use it.

There was this one time at this gun shop I do business with- and I have a tendancy to want to lean on the counter and talk and discuss this or that with the customers- they asked the owner why he hadn't put me on the payroll. The owner told 'em I eat too much (I'm not fat) and my Stetson ain't for blocking the sun; it's for carrying groceries. :D
i'd get assigned tasks the minute i walked in the door, until one day they said 'lets just put you on payroll, go clock in and give us a hand'.

i work just enough to pay for my monthly ammo supply. :D
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