Ever Notice how These Shootings Happen in Gun-Free Zones?

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Oct 25, 2003
On top of a mountain in Colorado
Post offices where the term "Going Postal" originated. In the corporate workplace where guns are almost always prohibited. In public schools. On college campuses. Did you ever notice how the mass killings never seem to happen at a gun show?
they are talking about this right now on fox....also about how Rosie O'Donnell wants more gun control but has armed bodyguards to protect her. sounds pretty hippocritical to me. sort of the I need guns but the poor folks don't mentality
All the other advocacy groups coin their own phrases in order to convey their point. "Gun Free Zone" is supposed to convey a touchy feely downey soft warm feeling inside.
I propose that from this day forward, we start defining the terms of this debate. I hereby now redefine "gun free zone" to "Free Victim Zone". Because, in reality, that is what it is, and that term invokes the truthful image.

Oleg. See if you can do something with that, if you haven't already.

I have this idea. Picture of a "gun free zone" sign with the international red line and circle over a gun, morphing into one saying "free victim zone" with a picuture of a stick figure with a bullsye over it. Anyone with a talent with animated gifs?
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Reminds me of a movie I once saw though I can’t remember the name of it. Some dipstick decided to hold up a bar. He had the misfortune to pick the local cop hangout. Needless to say it didn’t work out all that well. I would love to get a copy of this scene to demonstrate what happens when a criminal tries to use a gun in a place where everyone is armed!
That occurred in one of Chuck Norris' movies. The one where he was a cop in Chicago. I think Chris Tucker or someone like that was one of the thugs who tried to hold up the bar where Norris and all his fellow cops hung out.

"Rosie O'Donnell wants more gun control but has armed bodyguards to protect her. sounds pretty hippocritical to me."

She also has a permit to carry a concealed handgun in the State of California. She admitted it on her blog. Saw it myself a while back, about the time she was arguing over gun control with Elizabeth.

Yeah, she's a hypocrite.
Rosie has given up on gun control... :rolleyes:

From Ask Rosie on her own site:

Nathan writes:

ro..love you.
we differ on gun control though. if you take away the citizens ability to protect themselves via guns, only criminals will have guns. we must change the culture via education/training.

Rosie's answer:

i have given up on gun control
as i said on todays show
Rosie... Hippocritical. Hippo critical. Was that an intentional pun?
Sorry, I just had to chuckle when I read that.
how about we plan a tag-on to the next weapons bill they throw at us.

All colleges and universities must allow students to carry pepper spray and air tasers if they so choose or lose all federal funding.
My son observed that you would never hear about a mass shooting at a community college's Criminal Justice night classes. :D

I'm in total agreement with your sig. Who or what is the source?

Yes, we have. Repeatedly. Even before this happened.

Now go make the antis notice.
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