Every once in a while, I get a hankerin' for...

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Nov 19, 2003
proud to be in AZ
..a Bushy M17s, believe it or not. I handled one years ago, never had the chance to buy or shoot one, and I understand they are out of production now. i always thought they would be the perfect armored truck rifle, and even though I am more into my vz-58 7.62x39mm, I just like the bullpup design, and think the M17S is a neat rifle, one of those "wanna" category guns.
Any thoughts?
And yes, I also "wanna" a Keltec RFB and KSG. :D
Never got into the bullpup thing due to being a lefty but the Keltec looks good with it's forward eject. The FN FS2000 may fit you better than the Bushy...I handeled the Bushy at a fun show and didn't care for the balance or trigger.
Tried the FN, believe it or not the local pawn shop has one. Feels goofy to me, $2000+ of goofy.
I assume Maverick is the Bushy guy around here?
Calling Maverick223... Maverick223 to the BatPhone...
Was watching the skies for the batsignal...missed the phone call. :p

armoredman, it seems we have very similar taste, as I also love my VZ-58 and have both of the Kel-Tec bullpups near the top of my list (as well as a MSAR MCS and SBR'd PS90). I also agree with you about the nature of the FNH-F2000, it is just too bulky, seems to be flimsy in construction, and has funky ergonomics for me (it mainly just needs to go on a diet).

The M17S is by far my favorite rifle as it possesses most everything that I look for in a good carbine...compact size, good ballistics (from the comparatively long 21.5in. bbl), reliability (100% over many thousands of rounds when using good magazines), robust design (I'd put it up against the best AK), excellent accuracy (due mostly to the effectiveness of the barrel tensioning system, similar to that of the Walther WA2000), and great balance. I did however have to make a few modifications to make it the "perfect" rifle; those are detailed in this thread.

I am not the type of person to own duplicate rifles (not in the same chambering anyway), but I am seriously considering a second one to shorten (to 26in. OAL and 16.5in. bbl) and rechamber for 6x45mm (to better take advantage of the shorter bbl), but I still quite a bit of research to do before taking the plunge.

Long story short I would absolutely buy one, as it is a fantastic rifle and prices are steadily creeping skyward as scarcity increases.

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