Ex Navy SEAL wants your 'salt rifle banned

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Who cares? Let him express his opinion. It's contradictory to ours. Big deal. His former service as a SEAL has no bearing on his right to express his beliefs, so let it go.
Who cares? Let him express his opinion. It's contradictory to ours. Big deal. His former service as a SEAL has no bearing on his right to express his beliefs, so let it go.
You know that and we know that, but the media will use it to give him credibility. Therefore he needs to be exposed for what he is.
Valid point. Hadn't thought of that! Do Park Rangers swear an oath to the Constitution?

Yes (or at least I did when I received my badge). And he was a Navy Seal. SOCNET verified.
How can you go through BUDS and not know what a SEAL platoon is?

I was under the belief that all of our special warfare troops, Special Forces, SEAL's etc, were given rapid promotions?

1) In the early days of the Vietnam Conflict, there were only TWO SEAL TEAMs in existence. One, based in Coronado, and Two, based in Little Creek. There were, however, multiple UDT Teams spread throughout the Fleet. BUDS, back then, trained UDT-Rs, not SEALS. SEAL Teams usually picked veteran UDT members, as the SEALs were the latest iteration of the old Beach Swimmers of WWII. It was unusual to move directly from BUDS to SEALs. It wasn't until the 1980's that, one Monday morning, all UDT members went to work to find that they had become SEALs.

2) Navy SpecWar operators have another specialty that they keep. They will be Machinist mates, BTs, Gunners mates, Radiomen, etc. To achieve rank, they tested in that specialty against the rest of the Fleet. IF there were openings, and IF they scored high enough in the test, they were rated at the rank they tested for. Pick the wrong rating, and promotions were hard to come by. I don't believe that, even today, SEALs are a separate rating for promotion.

Seventy combat operations could easily be accomplished in a normal six-month deployment. As the two Teams were always operating in Vietnam, relieving each other, multiple deployments were the norm. Note that he said Combat Operations. That could have been a routine patrol aboard a PBR, lasting 6-10 hours, a night ambush that ex-filled at day-break, or a response to a patrol that had made contact.

Rarely were there the multiple contact day after day scenarios of Missing In Action or Apocalypse Now fame. SEALs weren't designed to operate, nor did they operate, as heavy infantry. They were hit-and-run raiders, who showed up in the least likely, but most damaging, places. They did their thing, and disappeared into the water. They were the Men with green Faces.

They were not, however, given any training in how to define the Constitution. Not their job.

there is an otfit that checks out these claims.and they are able to verifya number of scamers and it cost the scammers big time.I think soldier of fortune is able to check.:uhoh::eek:
there is an otfit that checks out these claims.and they are able to verifya number of scamers and it cost the scammers big time.I think soldier of fortune is able to check

SOCNET, or the Special Operations Community Network also ferrets out the scammers and has stopped them. You can request a Seal Check if you need verification (you should only do this if you are employing someone or have a serious need for a check)

Google SOCNET and poke around. But be forewarned: If you register and act the slightest bit stupid, it's like throwing a roomful of Dobermans a cow.
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