FAL mags- difficult unloading

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Jan 27, 2011
New DSA Fal mags- (3) 10 rounders (2) 5 rounders, VERY difficuly to unload despite 15 mins each of light oiling and working the springs. Maybe I am just used to .223? They seem as if the round will not slide completely forward and out, most of the time they slide about 1/2 way forward and then I have to kinf of flip them vertical and yank them out. It's annoying.

Is this normal? Anyone have a suggestion for quality, decent deals on Metric (does it matter metric/inch?) mags? 10 rounders, though I am also looking for some 20's to keep in our cabin which is in a non- high capacity issue state.

Put downward pressure on the rounds with the thumb of your off hand and it will help some.
You are trying to work past the elliptical cuts in the feed lips which flip the rounds as they exit to position the nose (well, nose and shoulder) of the round in the center of the feed ramp

Most 7.62Nato mags are going to be stiffer than 5.56 in general, Although G3 mags aren't too bad.
The springs have to lift heavier ammo and keep the round elevated against the feed lips during a heavier recoil impulse. So yeah, they're usually stiffer than their 5.56 counterparts of similar capacity. Not always, but usually.

The shorter 5 and 10 rounders are a little different than 20s and 30s.
It wouldn't surprise me if they were extra stiff.

Loading and firing the weapon repeatedly will break your mags in faster than any manual working of the followers.
The only problem I have ever had is the cost of unloading them. ;)

The advice given above is good...a little downward pressure will help reduce friction and make removing the cartridges easier. As far as magazines, FAL mags have really crept up in price as of late...I don't know the best retailer ATM, but I do know that you have to match the magazine to the pattern (Metric to Metric for instance).

Normal, good info above.

The FAL has an unusual mag/receiver design where the true feedlips are part of the receiver, and the mag feedlips just hold the rounds in and make them available to the receiver. It works very well, but it's different from how most other common rifle mags work.
You may consider investing in a LULA for the FAL. It will save your fingers and make loading and loading very fast.
+1 on getting a LULU mag loader / unloader.
You will wonder why you waited so long after using one just once!

Only problem is, I don't think they make one for the .223 FAL.

As for oil in the magazines?
Bad idea!
Oil is a dirt & sand magnet, and oil can kill primers if allowed to soak into the loaded rounds long enough.

I'd suggest you dissemble the mags and wash it all out with solvent.
Then get a can of Remington Dry-Lube spray.
It will not attract or hold dirt, and will not migrate to primers or harm ammo once it drys.

Failing that, a light mist of silicone spray, dried and wiped off, is way better then oil in a mag.

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